We delete entities on high playercount to reduce lag, You did not loose 2 trash collectors for a forklift. Not to mention entities cause more lags then props.
It's to give the idea of a 'Busy Foundation', as-well as providing cover in tight always at the same time, It's a way of concealed cover as in the eyes of a Researcher / Foundation worker it's just another 'bunk decor', but in the eyes of a combatant, It's cover in a tight hallway. Instead of just blatantly putting a concrete barricade or sandbag, We have an Airport cart that gives the same effect as one and gives off immersion instead of a barricade in a foundation, allowing combatants to crouch behind it. Same with the forklift.
Previously, a normal gunfight would be whoever has more HP & Armor, with some cover in the way it now changes to who's utilizing cover properly.
We have over 1000 Perma Props on the server, Adding in small props back into bunks that were never used (I.E A Keyboard, or a bench never being utilized) is no longer feasible. They were most likely exchanged for a perma prop that will be used to effect gameplay instead of small RP. (For example, a Computer that had a Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse, was removed to only feature the Computer Monitor to give up 2 more props in different areas of the map.)
This is the true reason these props were added to the server.