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Everything posted by Propane

  1. Forgot these even existed +support
  2. RIP to a great member and a fellow mute,
  3. +support Just do like if 5+ Gensec are on its 60 seconds
  4. Name: Propane Rank: MSGT SteamID:(STEAM_0:1:0000000)STEAM_0:1:82643249 Reason for leaving: School is starting soon and its gonna be hard to stay active. Will you stay active during your 48-hour notice?: I'll be semi-active
  5. What are you suggesting? - Allow D-Class suppliers to purchase weapon shipments for an equivalent price How would this change better the server? - Makes the supplier easier to supply all of D-Block Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - idk if the normal darkrp stuff will work Who would this change mostly benefit? - Rioters
  6. actually i dont think thats the case, ive tested the riot shield, the shields damage which doesnt actually hit the players is added when they die, aka in a deathcard, ive done 10k damage to someone before they died, meaning that it could show in damage logs
  7. Propane

    CI tryout

    this isnt even 75 characters, please read through these steps again and fully fill this out, plus TS is required
  8. good luck with the thingy, cya maybe one day
  9. Propane

    Ritz loa

    just beat it up lol thats what i do to kids
  10. What are you suggesting? - Allow CI to roll to activate/deactivate the generator room with a 100 roll How would this change better the server? - Gives the generator room an actual use other than existing Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - CI could stack up on it and activate it with 10 assists, which could be solved with allowed only 1-2 assists or none, though as of now the generator does not fully breach from what I know so it won't be a complete horror since MTF can quickly close the CC's Who would this change mostly benefit? - CI/SCP's
  11. What are you suggesting? - Make it so SCPC 280 can only be recontained/stunned with 4+ Maglights, meaning 3 people with Maglights and 1 with a flashlight can not stop SCP 280. As right of now, this means that some D-Class could just stun SCP 280 making them like SCP 173 where they can be instantly recontained VS SCP 457, where people need to go to an armory. To be recontained, the lighting of the facility must either be repaired by maintenance staff, or SCP-280 must be illuminated by 4+ people carrying Maglites. If there is less than 4 people actively pointing a flashlight at SCP-280, SCP-280 may attack those who are pointing the light at him. How would this change better the server? - Make SCP 280 more of a keter SCP Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Just makes SCP 280 harder to RC Who would this change mostly benefit? - SCP's
  12. What are you suggesting? - Make it so once CI raid, MTF need to actually see the infril/have an RP reason to advert thermals. Or, allow CI to advert thermals when raiding. How would this change better the server? - As of now, infrils need to hide and camp when raiding to have a chance of staying inside, and yet when a CI calls thermals, they are accused of meta gaming in ooc. Yet on the other hand MTF infrils can just stand in the middle of a CI raid and not be called out Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Infrils are harder to find/all infrils have the same challenge during a raid Who would this change mostly benefit? - CI
  13. +support Or they just call 096 ugly
  14. Cya man, seen you on the server a lot and I know you're very dedicated, good luck with school, I knew you'll do great
  15. Maybe a dedicated building with an arena?
  16. Is cheetah, very cool

  17. +support I rarely see this class played
  18. I'd like an actual reason for these except just -support
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