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About Propane

  • Birthday 10/24/1870

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  1. Since 2018? God damn you stayed a while
  2. damn this server dead af

  3. -support From what I'm reading he's studying for finals in advance, which makes sense depending on where you go to school. He also shouldn't be forced to exclusively play on the server, as after some years, it's reasonable he just wants to play other games, especially when he has to deal with finals.
  4. -support He's just a crab, he didn't do anything wrong
  5. -support Colt basically said it all, Maynard is basically a support class. If a Maynard wants to empty out D-Block, is it reaonable that someone with 100hp 100ap max could take down, like you mentioned, 20 Gensec? A support class like Maynard could instead provide Intel for a raid, sabotage to slow down gensec, and/or breach an SCP which will do the killing for him.
  6. I mean what do you expect from a Garry's Mod server. Young ages+power=??? Also if they're actually disrespecting people just report em
  7. +support R.I.P my favourite minging class
  8. +support Is good As tall as Dora the Explorer
  9. Furry part is a big downside, not too sure about this one.
  10. What are you suggesting? - If any member of foundation or CI dies during a raid in which their death was caused by the raid (Any SCP breached or d class escaping after the raid starts counts, any that happened before do not) are not allowed to instantly switch to D-Class and return to RP. Once the raid ends, they are allowed to switch to d class. (Only applies to human jobs) How would this change better the server? - People often go on d class after a raid to help out their original branch and ignore their original NLR. This will prevent these players from trying to get back into a raid after they already died/before their NLR ends. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Could be hard for people to see whether or not somebody did die from something caused by the raid, or if the person was involved in the first place. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Foundation as they are able to respawn after death, and CI are not.
  11. What bug is occurring? By opening the wardrobe menu, armor menu, or armory menu, then quickly pressing f4 before it opens, clicking on the f4 menu to make it overlap, swapping jobs and then respawning using console, you will still have access to your player model from the last job, armor, or any weapon of your choice by purchasing it Is it tied to a specific job, swep, player model, etc? No Has it only occurred once, or is it continuous? Continuous Please provide screenshots or a short video of the bug in action: https://medal.tv/clips/439RhFTy389eZ/ad1337pE4dhzq5
  12. Propane

    Console Ban

    I wasn't testing if I'd be auto banned, back when I played some words would be auto replaced with others, so I wanted to see which word it was replaced by. Not be auto banned.
  13. Propane

    Console Ban

    Steam Name: it's cold in here(._.) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:82643249 Ingame Name: Propane Ban Length: 1 Week Admin that Banned you: Console Reason for Ban: Racism Dispute: After not playing for a while, I decide to hop on the server and just wander around. I ended up escaping and just walking around. Eventually someone said in ooc "son of a homie", in which I remembered the auto censor the server had, so I went ahead to a secluded area, and decided to see the censors of some words I remembered, such as noob=professional mate. I eventually typed in chat a certain 5 letter word, and boom, banned. I didn't know of there being a new system to autoban and I said the word with no bad intentions, and did so completely secluded.
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