What is your in-game name?:Ponik
What is your steam name?: [GL]Ponik
What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:165374345
Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I do have other experiences in staffing. I was CO-Owner of RUS RP server For 3 years after the server was close.
What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) October 22, 2019
What date did you make your forums account? October 23, 2019
Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+
How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 2 https://imgur.com/jHtedSb
Have you donated?yes 20$
What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator
Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? I am staff on DIscord but none on Garry's Mod
Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it: Yes
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):N/A
Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) why I should be worthy of this rank, because I am active on the server, I know 4 languages, I like helping other people, I know a lot of rp terms. Helping people is like helping yourself, because you play on this server and you like it when the server is calm and quiet and everyone plays by rp. When you sit on the admin you are responsible for the entire server and when a lot of calls come to you, some people start to panic but I’m not like that, I’m very calm, I do it one by one and do not panic, because when you panic you make more problems than help. I love to punish violators, but I’m a bad person, I just don’t know those people who are trying to hurt others how are playing normally and lastly I’m skilled at work, I quickly get used to other rules and people and I’m ready to give everything to help the server in development.
How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? The first thing I would do would be to drag them to a secure area, like on the roof, along with the person(s) who reported him, and first start to get there side of the situation i will ask them if they have video proof, if yes I will watch the video if I see Mass RDM I will explain him his warn and give it to him. If not I would freeze them and gag them for I can then hear the story from the person(s) who got RDM'd. I would then check the logs after I get both sides of the story to see if the logs match up with one side or the other. Once I would get enough proof and everything would match up, I would explain to them what they did wrong then warn them for Mass RDM and Staff Disrespect.