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Everything posted by Springs

  1. Welcome to Delta squad great to have you!
  2. -support unfortunately you cannot appeal blacklists
  3. Springs


    [opening saved file] File: [Foot] - SCP Foundation Do you wish you open file “[Toe] - SCP Foundation” [yes or no] >yes [Toenail] >[Cheese] [accepted] [opening] [Cheese toe] - SCP Foundation [10%] [18%] [30%] [44%] [62%] [74%] [88%] [100%] [task completed] [opening] [ERROR 2058305729572] [unencrypted key does not match database] Do you wish to still open? [yes or no] >yes [Foot cheese] - SCP Foundation you have to start backwards sometimes Some people say That one does not just eAt milk, that is impossible. chocolate candy baRs can be. People don’T understand that for sOme reason or another. 5 people can’t get oVer. 0 peoplE can’t dRink bird poop. 0 peopLe can eat a mOuse, 2 people can eat mice. 0 peopLe can’t die. 8-20-20-16-19-:-/-/-6-15-18-13-19-.-7-12-5-/-2-10-25-3-23-23-16-21-4-17-23-9-14-7-5-26-6 [end] >terminate [shutting down] your welcome for the answers
  4. Yes literally just talking to calamity about this
  5. Rank You are Applying For: Captain In-Game Name: LT Springs 1L40 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454787662 Current Rank: Lieutenant How long have you been in your current rank?: 3 weeks 6 days What timezone are you in?: EST How many Warns do you have?: 7 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I feel I should be promoted to captain for multiple of reasons is my leadership ability through out my time as LT I have think I have been a great leader for lower ranks and really help them out to the best of my ability. I am also very mature and am professional at all times I'm always doing things to the best of my ability and trying to be the best LT I can be I also give alot of dedication towards the PD and am always making it to the PD meetings assisting with the PD as much as I possibly can. I also think I handle situations very well especially stressful ones like if someone is being corrupt and after watching countless captains do their jobs I think I can follow in their foot steps and do well and help the PD. through out my time as a LT I learned many things about how to be a leader dealing with stressful situations and many more I think its time for me to move onto the next rank and for me to become a captain. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  6. Add a poll and I have not seen u on sm once sorry but good luck - LT Springs 1L40
  7. -support you had 40 chances and blew it
  8. +support +active +mature - kinda high amount of warns good luck
  9. well doc was fun but It's not for me thanks for all the fun times
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