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[GL] Locus

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Everything posted by [GL] Locus

  1. What is your in-game name?: Locus What is your steam name?: Locus S. What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:90992581 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I have been a Moderator along with a senior moderator many different times within both Imperial RP and Police RP, What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) The 3rd or 4th quarter of 2019. What date did you make your forums account? September 27th 2019 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Plat. How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot) What rank are you applying for? TMOD. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? Nope. Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes Timezone: EST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) Why do I believe I should be granted the rank of Trail-Moderator? I believe I should be granted the rank due to my ablility to be on the server when not many other staff can due to work or timezones I tend to be on extremely late and fairly early as well as just generally on at random points of the day. This makes it so I can help enforce the rules at different times and help where staff currently lacks people to enforce the rules on the server. I believe that I also deserve this rank because I have experience which makes me more than qualified for this position. I know that some people have known me and some people have seen me do my job as staff when I was staff without having any biases for anyone even if I knew them I would still warn them if they broke a rule that required it or hand out the proper punishment in general regardless of any ties I have to them regardless of department or even when families have been at war when I was staff I treated everyone with the basic respect and professionalism that any staff should be treating a player of this community. I also believe that I have proven that when I do mess up I do own up to it and at-least attempt to right any wrong that I have committed wether by mistake or me not thinking clearly and just doing something completely out of line. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? This is a fairly simple question in my eyes and it has a fairly simple answer. if they were mass rdming I would jailtp them to me and try to talk to them and try to get them to settle down and stop cursing if needed gagging or muting them depending on if they settle down after being asked to. Now after I get them to settle down or if needed mute/gag them I would explain to them that we do not tolerate Mass RDMing on any of the GamingLight servers and that they will be sadly recieving a warning along with a ban for 5 Days in accordance with the staff handbook. Now depending on the words they use in the curse that could be anything from a formal warning for Staff Diss to a Warning or a ban if they said something racist or homophobic. But that is besides the point. The Formal warn for MRDM would be handed out along with a ban request being made if no Admin+ is on to handout the ban
  2. What you want to see? - I wish to see a similar thing to how the panic button works but for the radio channels. I wish to see that it requires you to hit O twice to change the radio freq. I also wanta see it default to General 1 so that we don't have units on three different frequences. Why should we add it? - It'll make people be more connected on the radio and we won't have people accidentally hitting the radio channel key and changing to lets say Police General 1 to Police General 2. What are the advantages of having this? - It'll make it harder to accidentally end up on some other channel along with help new players be on a radio that everyone should be on. Who is it mainly for? - Gov Links to any content - N/A
  3. What you want to see? - The ability to buy custom plates for cars. Maybe make it like 1 million to buy one per car. Why should we add it? - Would add a thing to spend money on and would allow for people who wanted a custom plate to have one. What are the advantages of having this? - Would allow people with way to much money to spend it on something. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - N/A
  4. What you want to see? - I would like to see the posibility of adding GPS Trackers like with the old CAD to ethier the person or the car. Why should we add it? - We should add it because irl at-least most federal and state and some local police departments have trackers on the police car that can be disabled. We could even make it so criminals if we do let them be able to steal police cars can disable the GPS Tracker. Maybe having it take 60 to 120 seconds to fully disable since they tend to be near the engine or somewhere else within the car. What are the advantages of having this? - Would add RP and would allow for more interesting RP for kidnaped officers and if we allow cop cars to be stolen would add a way to make it more of a challenge and even more risky to steal one. Who is it mainly for? - Gov and Criminals Links to any content - N/A
  5. +Support I think its a cool idea however I think that there should be a secure channel that only lets say Tactical teams can use like in real life the police do have a more secure channel that scanners don't pick up on.
  6. -Support. I don't see the whole point of changing the way jumping works as it can have unintended actions against people with one the parkour swep because while we don't bhop we do hit space a fair amount during some jumps so it might freak out with us. I also don't find it that hard to track people unless you get to close to them.
  7. -Support The whole point of it being loud is so that we can hear it. I don't exactly see the issue as it can be a high reward high risk type situation. I have seen some criminal bases that put it so far in the back its nearly impossible to hear and if you can hear it you have to be around for a good minute to figure out if its the large or small one. You guys just need to figure out a way to keep it far enough away. In my own opinion its not that loud considering you're mining into the ground it would be much louder in reality. Also a printer isn't digging into the ground so I don't exactly see the whole point of bring that into play. If the money printers start digging into the ground I would get it but they don't the miners do. Overall I think its more than fair as any government offical who does decide to raid needs to hope their choice to raid was correct and not wrong. If they raid due to a small printer just report them to their respective command. TLDR: Printers don't dig into the ground the miner does so the sound makes sense. Its a 50/50 chance so the gov need to be sure before doing a raid.
  8. What you want to see? - I wish to sett this gmodstore addon or a customized verison of it added. Why should we add it? - I believe that this should be added because it'll help add more RP as people tend to pop off shots in the city which in all reality if we are big enough to have an FBI Field Office, a builden with multiple tactical units and be headquarters for the state troopers of the state along with us having a fairly large police department in RP I do believe we would have this in all reality. A ShotSpotter also can add RP for all departments and criminals as murders will need to play their cards correctly and actually hide from the shotspotter. They can also be hacked which adds even more RP for crim and gov as gov would need to check for them to see if they were hacked and the criminals would need to find them. It would also maybe breath life to some departments as it won't just be robbery to shoot out to robbery What are the advantages of having this? - The advantages of adding a shotspotter in game is it allows RP and we can have it so that if you wanta murder someone you needa think it out not just run into an allyway and shoot the person. Another advantage is it'll give state more to do and hopfully make them be more active as spotspotters would be less likely on outskirts compared to the inner parts of the city such as ghetto, indust, and the inner city it self. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/fleodon-s-gunshot-spotter-detects-gunshots-bank-robberies-and-explosives
  9. -Support Tbh it hasn't been an issue at all for years so I don't get the issue. I feel like maybe yes an animation would be cool but a sound effect or chat message wouldn't make sense as that can be meta gamed.
  10. -/+ Support More leaning towards -Support While yes you have a point in the server population being a bit lower than normal I do think that trying to reset the money will only lead to the veteran players quiting which will hurt the server way more in the long run. Now tell me what do you plan to do with DF, SRT, SWAT trying to combind them all into one tac team is a horriable idea as you won't have enough room for all of the command. Health on most classes have been paided for in which I see it as a stupid idea to start messing with Health and armor of classes like that. I also don't think you understand just how fast some guns shread the current armor of Tac teams and other high ranking government officals. Once again removing the inv system affects donators and other players who have stored different types of rare guns over the life time of the server. Wipping the ban list is a horriable idea as in order to get a ban that is more than a few weeks or so would require you to get 40+ warns which mean they already got 40+ chances if we include the times that they most likely only got a verbal warn. TLDR: You want to combind departments with out even given a plan on how to do what you request and you wanta basically reset alot of the server back down to what it was a few years ago which I feel like would go against your suggestion of how to fix it.
  11. Steam Name: Locus S Ingame Name: Locus SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90992581 Ban Length: Perma Admin that Banned you: N/A Reason for Ban: You have been banned for net overflow Dispute: Idk how clearing a builden for a suspect causes a net overflow
  12. Rank You are Applying For: LT In-Game Name: Locus SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90992581 Current Rank: SM How long have you been in your current rank?: Since 2020 been in PD CMD at one point as well. What timezone are you in?: EST How many Warns do you have?: 9 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I believe I should be given the rank of Lieutenant because I have proven in the past that I can be an execlent assest to a command team when I was a Major in PD to when I was in FBI as a DCOS and HRT as a LT along with my most recent experience of being in SRT as a 2LT. I believe that with all of that experience I have shown I should be trusted with a rank within PD Low Command. I was dedicated when I was within PD CMD as well last time making it up to PD Major. I plan to make meetings happen more often and be an active command member during the night time and early times in the day. I believe that this is when it is needed as when I was on tonight we had an OFC causing issues who was handled by Rocky and Thayze along with me. I have spoken with some PD Command members who think I should apply for PD LT so here I am going for it again. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  13. -Support. It gets super stale and is a reason some people leave. To be honest a good idea of a map would be one that changes with the seasons that isn't just a circle or a box with roads insides of the box/circle
  14. -/+ Support mostly a -Support thoe. While I do like them and think they did add RP they were removed a few weeks/months ago so I believe that this was for a reason. I am sorry but I don't see it getting accepted for that reason.
  15. Howdy, Its been a wild ride I joined SRT off and on since 2020 or 2021 can't really remember and have been threw a few different sets of command and two commanders. I enjoyed my experience but due to IRL becoming more and more needing of my attention I must sadly resign from this unit that I have been apart of off and on for now 2-3 years. Mikey: Thank you for accepting me back in 2020 or 2021 when my last experiences were kinda worrying to you guys on if you wanted me or not. Kitty: Thank you for letting me become command and letting me in SRT the times I've been off and on. SRT: You guys have been good the ones I've trained and the ones I havn't trained I hope you make it far in this unit. ~ SRT 2LT Locus 1Q35. Have a good one all y'all.
  16. -/+ support. Yes what the thief did was a bit odd but tbh the cop is the only one who in my eyes actually broke a rule. In all hoensty the thief should of just been shot when he didn't stop moving or you could always talk to him or get another staff member to talk to him afterwards as with video it can't really be biased. But imo nothing more than a verbal should be given to the thief.
  17. What you want to see? - An expanison on Gov Raid Rules. Why should we add it? - Recently I made a sit to ask JMT a question. and they said it was a gray area I feel like we should expand on what area is a KOS zone during a gov raid. What are the advantages of having this? - We will have less sits for RDM because someone ran in without a gun but didn't pass the normal KOS lines. An easy way to do this is just to have the whole property KOS/AOS during gov raids. Who is it mainly for? - All Links to any content -
  18. -Support. While it does sound like the word if you listen to it while barely paying attention which I'll admit I do most times in a sit and is I'll be watching other things. I would say this should be taken as a teaching moment to maybe teach staff no matter what country they come from to speak a bit more clearly as I've had to ask staff before to repeat because I swore I herd them say something that wasn't really allowed.
  19. +Support. No sit got made at all he just decided to teleport to me while I was in the middle of a shoot out and tried to fight me. Keep in mind after asking a staff member no sit was made at all so he was just interfering in what I believe was an attempt to give gov an unfair advantage by taken away multiple members during a money silo. I asked him for a higher staff member as he was to my knowledge just abusing his powers as an event team member as if you look at the tab menu it'll just say event team not Mod/Event Team. I believe that illiusion was putting him self into a situation that he didn't need to be in and was trying to get back because I told him off for an issue related to SL early that day.
  20. +Support to us being able to heal it back up or maybe we can buy more armor perks?
  21. -Support. Only one question why in the world would a department that is a sub department be able to remove someone from another department that they aren't command in?
  22. -Support The rules on basing already limit alot of what we use to allow. You have to remember they are balancing them to include everything between Police Chief to the Criminals.
  23. Also at 7:26 you were asked if you were doing good you replied with just a joking response so never at any point did you ask for it to stop like you've said you had.
  24. +Support for only some of it like NLR. I've watched criminals just destory command of departments in seconds when they enter and just get it because 3 miniutes is the same time it takes to rob the create. This has made many government people get off gov and just ethier go AFK or play crim instead of trying to even bother defending it. I would say maybe a good idea would be whos ever base it is being raided gets only a miniute NLR. So DOC = State troopers get 1 miniute NLR. Tac = Tac only gets 1 miniute NLR. FBI = SS/FBI get 1 miniute NLR. PD = PD and PD CC's only get 1 miniute NLR.
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