1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : 31st ARTVL MAJ WiN 0083
2. What Regiment are you applying for?: 31st Demolition Corps
3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?: I would like to be VCMDR of the 31st demolition corps to further help the growth of the battalion. I have put a lot of work into the battalion such as adding many new things to the battalion and by doing multiple tryouts a day to attempt and get as many people into the battalion as I possibly could. I also believe that I have good leadership skills and could lead the battalion in the right direction towards success. Overall I feel like I have a very strong bond with everyone in the 31st Demolition Corps as I always try to make the battalion as fun as possible, but with that being said I also know how to be serious when needed.
4. How much game time do you have on the server?: I have been playing for around 3-4 months
5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?: The main purpose of VCMDR is to help the CMDR make the battalion strive and become as big as possible. I also believe a big part of being VCMDR is keeping all the Enlisted, NCO’s, and Officers in check. I also have a very good understanding on how to maintain a roster and update/create any SOP's when needed.
6. Why should we trust you to be a commander?: I currently have a high command rank on MilRP as a Lieutenant General, with that being said I know how to use roster, Make/Edit SOP's, lead troops, perform proper training and proper disciplinary actions if needed.
7. How often can you be Online?: Everyday unless something comes up
8. Do you have any warnings? (What for?): None