Job Name: Demolition Crewman
Model Path:
Also add
Weapon Kit: rw_sw_dc17ext , rw_sw_bino_dark , alydus_fusioncutter , alydus_fortificationbuildertablet , zeus_thermaldet , weapon_jew_det , tfa_nmrih_wrench
Health: 275
Armor: 100 Please make the player slots of this job only 2, please also add the ability to whitelist to this job to Demolition officer, Demolition Vice Commander, and Demolition Commander Add the ability to spawn the AT-DP through the F4 menu (imperialatdp) Extra Information: we would like to also request the removal of the Demolition breacher job as its just not used at all, we also now need 3 slots on our VCMDR job as we now have 3 VCMDR's I have already asked hotshot if he is ok with us having this vehicle and he said yes, this vehicle will be only for SFC+ to use and they will have to ask the GM's during ground events to use them.