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Posts posted by Doggo0

  1. 4 hours ago, Gunther said:


    You can very clearly see 173 in D-Block, and based on numbers at the time, there are only one or two D-Class that are not AFK, and I doubt 2 D-Class could overtake D-Block.


  2. Having this class without training would be a really bad idea, people hopping on to turn on/off lockdowns and teslas is pretty bad.
    The format is also wrong, so it's gonna have to be a -Support from me.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Eben said:

    Honestly this would help so much especially whenever the server goes down or resets as I see researchers and security alike get fried pretty often, I would think it would be a bit difficult to add tho but other than that it would help out a lot

    But it would help out D class and SCPs too, so there would be no point to teslas.

  4. 4 hours ago, Protege said:


    While adding a light would make it so that less people run through a active Tesla the point of Tesla gates is to catch D-class off guard and help recontain SCPs also people can just say in /foundation that Tesla gates are active so all foundation know they are active while D-class CI and SCPs don’t know.


  5. 42 minutes ago, Falxen said:

    +support, except for the 096 time thing, as that wouldn't be manageble for staff if they are  spectating, as split second things just aren't easily visible.

    As for 106, definetly, as of current 106 has no way of handling groups as he is slow AF and can only take 1 person, meaning even if he has the  element of surprise he will still be spotted.


  6. 17 minutes ago, CanOBeanz said:

    +/- Support

    I'd support turning it into a static prop that doesn't thump, but definitely not removing it entirely. The EDD has some good RP potential as a scenery piece.

    It's fun to RP with it as tech sometimes, but +Support on replacing it with a static prop

  7. 4 hours ago, Hoovy said:

    +/- Support (in a way)

    While I do agree they need a slight nerf, requesting an all out removal of them from dclass is ridiculous. In my opinion you guys are overdue to learn how to adapt, set up defenses, and overcome a new obstacle. Can't leave the meta the same forever or it gets boring for both sides.


  8. 4 minutes ago, Bet said:


    I love the idea of small army dudes that could potentially see us as "giants", "gods", or even "monsters". With the diversity of people the server has, this would open up a lot of fun potential RP interactions. Maybe they'll be our secret weapon against 682, they are considered a choking hazard!

    682 eats one and instantly dies lol

  9. +/- Support
     - I see her on almost (if not) every day.

     - Does seem to have a decent amount of knowledge of the lore.

     - The event seems good, but it would've been better if you finished it and went into more detail. Write how you would do the event, what the threat is.

     - Q10 only has 140 words, when 150 is the minimum.

    If you fix these things, I do believe you would be a great ET member.

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