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Posts posted by Doggo0

  1. 3 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    I don’t intend any branch diss but it’s more like yall have been complaining about it and that too just very recently.
    The demo expert has been the way it was for so long. I don’t think we should get rid of a class you have to pay to get into and make it useless because CI get killed by it. And this has just been made a suggestion recently and due to a specific incident. CI is pretty powerful too so it balances out and it’s just one of every explosive making them practically useless after the explosions, and their guns is pretty bad unless you know how to use it properly, even if you how to properly use it, it’s low tier mediocre at most.

    Also as I specified earlier. If y’all can suitable suggestions for replacement weapons, I’ll be okay with that

    This would basically kill every branch’s explosive specialist. Might as well make it a job removal suggestion then.  

    So that’s why I minus supported it 

    So unless there are viable replacements with a little less or about the same damage output, it’s gonna have to be a -Support from me 


  2. 15 hours ago, October said:

    Jesus lol, Aleks you’ve gotta improve on this format, but overall I do slightly agree with Hoovy. You have only been back for a day after a long LOA/MIA, but you’ve also proven that you’re a great, mature guy. This is because you’re a CMDR and you’re dedicated to GL. I don’t believe you should apply immediately after a long LOA, but you definitely are qualified to on the staff team. +/- support. 


  3. Gensec can go into lower D block now to close the tower doors or position members inside of the tower. Even if that was not the case, from your evidence it's not clear what happened. She could've just fell and that D class did have a gun out.

  4. 3 hours ago, Rookieblue said:

    How many times was 173 returning suggested before it came back? Besides, this isn't a "add 079 cause it's cool" suggestion. This one is incredibly detailed, with a lot of thought put into it for balancing. To reduce the potential for mingery it could have a high level access requirement as well, such as with 106.

    + Support from me


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