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Posts posted by Doggo0

  1. 2 hours ago, pixelated pancakes said:

    +/- leaning -

    Yes we need more SCPs, but the way you describes in your post is just anorher 527, maybe if 920 had some actual RP or in game rules. Also we would need a swep to actually make people lost cause it works like a teleporter

    It would be good if you provided a playermodel and swep for it.

  2. 3 hours ago, Falxen said:

    -Support, you  have multiple suggestions here, those should be in their own posts, not all rammed into one.

    And as far as getting promoted without attending meetings, thats perfectly possible, i myself am a prime example of that  this is possible.


  3. -Support on the post. and 

    54 minutes ago, Hoovy said:

    How come this keeps happening.. Forums aren't meant to be a place for arguments. Its meant to be a place where we can have mature discussions over possible changes to each server. Now it's starting to have almost every post end with an argument. Just leave a + or - Support, for the love of anything.


    If you have a problem with somebody, Direct Message them. The entirety of the forums don't need to see your problem.


  4. 23 hours ago, CanOBeanz said:


    • Cool mod, adds lots of immersion & RP Potential
    • Doesn't seem to add "Too many" status effects to deal with; seems like just the right amount. 
    • The new status effects don't seem to severely hamper gameplay in any major way; I don't think players would get annoyed at these new status ailments.
    • The new status effects don't happen all of the time, they have a percentage chance to happen based on how you get hurt. This will likely be nice & balanced.
    • Would HUGELY increase traffic to medbay out of necessity.
    • Small addon size!!! (less than 1/2 of a single MB)


  5. 1 hour ago, bdogz1 said:


    This isn't BreachRP or a TDM server, SCPs shouldn't be able to breach easily since that would impede the ability for researchers to do test on them. In addition, having one SCP breach makes keeping other SCPs contained harder, which leads to other SCPs breaching. Making the timer shorter would lead to more site wide breaches and those breaches happening in a shorter amount of time.


  6. +Support

     - Has been on the server for a long time and knows the rules.

     - Only 2 warns, both of them from August.

     - I see him on often, and he's not always mingy.

     - Good app.

    But he can be mingy at times. If he can improve on this I think he could be a great addition to the staff team.

  7. 6 hours ago, The Light said:

    -Support  You need to fix your behavior, you're a little minge sometimes, & you recently had a ban for MassRDM. Overall you need to have a little bit more time to mature.

    - What you wrote in Q16 is very vague. You need to specify, for example who you would call for the ban and how long it would be.

    Other than that the application seems fine. So if you fix these things I believe you can have a better chance at being staff. Good luck!

  8. 33 minutes ago, gamikzone said:


    Nanachi was very emotional when the situation happened. Nanachi has shown to me that he is not a minge and cares a lot about the server and RP aspect. He spoke to me last night and I believe this would fair to remove it. Nanachi has been apologetic.

    ^^ this is fine and all, but I thought you could only remove false warns?

  9. 3 hours ago, Falxen said:

    -Support, Oh dear god please no. We dont need SCP's to be able to breach other SCP's or open CP's, that would be absolute hell.

    Besides, 079 is a computer, how could you even make him playable?


  10. 30 minutes ago, BlueToxicTank said:


    - generally a nice guy

    - active

    - would be good if he had a mic but it is not mandatory 

    - Decent APP

    - high activity on the forums

    - I think he would be a good addition to the staff team

    It's hard staffing without a mic, but I did it so I think you can do it as well.

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