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Posts posted by Doggo0

  1. 47 minutes ago, Peggu with a Gun said:

    Maybe adding a roleplay way for d class to find candies could be a interesting addition now that you have brought it up. Adding new small rp things for people to do is always good. Maybe Rolling to find candy in drawers and getting a 50+ roll being successful could work as a idea.

    To collect candy as you said, you need to find an addon for it. I think rolling against 999 is a better idea. If you roll higher than him, you get healed. Also, the way you said they would find candy will be either really hard on staff or easily abused. If they have to call staff every time they search for candy, it would make too many sits, and if they didn't need to call staff to check, they would just say "I rolled 50+ 10 times in a row" or something, as we can only see people doing /roll in logs.

  2. What you want to see? - A sign here (picture below) that says "Mobile Mop Force spawn. Do not kill them inside here!" or something like that.


    Why should we add it? - So people won't have to make sits about being spawnkilled by CI because they don't know this is their spawn.

    What are the advantages of having this? - There won't be sits that could be easily avoided, and we will have more time dealing with other issues.

    Who is it mainly for? - Staff, Janitors and CI.

    Links to any content - N/A

  3. 13 minutes ago, Daedran said:

    Not really necessary in any way that I should see, plus it really shouldn't be made public business due to the fact that people may complain about unfair salary or stats, [Which are currently balanced due to the branch updates released as of this post]  on top of that most of the jobs have descriptions that are included anyways in the F4 menu. If you wish to see a list of salaries in regards to other regiments, it's as simple as checking the forums for accepted branch updates and looking at the data included there. SMT has been working really hard on some rather tedious work in regards to some of the MTF branch updates due to the amount of requests being made, and I personally do not think that this is something that needs, nor should be focused on right now. 

    We can see salaries, just not stats. Still, I don't think this is necessary. What would you do with that information? Not like you would win in a fight just because you know their HP.

  4. On 4/7/2020 at 3:13 AM, Rabbit said:

    We already went through the "CI spotted on camera" and the always fun "Maynard seeing doing Blank"

    This will just lead to people power gaming



  5. -Support

      - Extremely new, only joined the community about 8 days ago.

      - Q15 has unnecessary things in it, like that you can edit roles, etc. You don't need that for staff unless you're SMT, It just seems like you're trying to get to the word count.

      - In Q16 moderators can't ban, you have to call an admin+. You also need to include staff dis in the warn if all they did is curse at you in the sit.

      - Application seems a  bit rushed.

    Overall I think you would be a great addition to the staff team if you stay with the community for a longer time, become well known and fix the issues above. Good luck!

  6. 3 hours ago, [GL] Ace said:

    *A1 PFC Ace enters dblock*

    Literally the first thing I hear:

    Security LCPL Kiddo: “YO ACE HOW YOU DOING”

    You were a great friend and person to mess around with on the server, good luck man!

    Dude I remember that lmao. It was so fun messing around with your name.

  7. Technical roll call 4/5/20 - 4/12/20

    Every technician has to respond, even low command.

    Also make sure that your discord name is correct. It should include your rank and in game name.


    Name :

    Rank :

    How would you rate your activity? (1-10)

    Any notes or questions?

  8. 9 hours ago, Rektify said:



    Absolutely. I think Inaccurate finally deserves Senior Admin because he work and plays hard. He has put forth dedication and time to this server and his own medical branch, enough to be deemed fit for this staff rank he's been trying so hard to get. Inaccurate is a good man and someone who I would love to have in the Senior admin ranks.


  9. 3 minutes ago, Stale said:

    I don't think every person from every MTF branch is going to be thinking this. there's always gonna be someone playing 

    Once the server hits 70 players MTF will be like "aight imma head out" and just leave lol

    Jokes aside, I believe the 80 players version is a better fix for the time being.

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