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Posts posted by Doggo0

  1. On 2/11/2020 at 5:49 AM, Ritz said:

    That's not to bad and if possible it could be unavailable for most people by default. The people that would bypass this would probably be Staff, Site Admin, and Branch HCMD

    Other than that this sounds like a great idea that could heavily enhance rp for MTF and CI as the possibilities for raid strategies along with counter raid strategies would be increased along with the possibility of espionage being conducted by both sides (this would be more of a foundation thing as CI have Maynard)

    Could also be tweaked to be able to be used by Gensec to make announcements/communicate with D-Class

    Overall my opinion is a big +Support, but this should be put off until the next big update as SMT+ already have a lot to deal with rn with the plans for the map being edited/worked on, because this sounds like a large amount of work to implement and get fully working  


  2. 10 hours ago, Jakub said:

    +Support complete ignorance to the staff handbook and utterly disgusting unprofessional behaviour. "best hours to minge on" not something a staff member should be advocating. 


  3. I think the model should be that. Because 173's model is copyrighted we can't use it, and this model looks stone anyways. 

    The real problem is that when you switch off the job your scale stays the same as 173, which is larger than normal.

  4. 11 hours ago, Alex B (Tavdogg11) said:

    + Support

    + Good reputation

    + Great Best Event!

    + A VCMDR for Pete's sake!

    + Good SCP knowledge

    + ULX Master!

    + A great person to talk to.

    + Hella Active

    - CI don't work with foundation, so the Mega Event won't work well with our current rules, but Hoovy may say otherwise, and it does make sense for people to freak out about a world-destroying SCP.

    Nothing else. I wish you luck bro!


  5. 6 hours ago, Catsro said:


    You failed to do the format again.
    Q15 is a 150-word requirement which you did not meet
    Your ulx rank would be user
    You can find your proof of warns if you go in-game and type !warns and take a screenshot of that menu



    On 2/5/2020 at 3:17 AM, [GL] Ace said:

    Ok there is probably a lot of people who do not know this or are misinformed.

    The creator of SCP 173’s picture will not allow his art sculpture to be used for commercial purposes. 

    It does not matter if the job is a leveled job or not, since you can donate to the server that means that the server is used for commercial purposes and therefore can not have 173 on here. 

    We used to have him here, and he was one of the first SCP’s you got access to, not a donator class.

    There has also been multiple suggestions like this one, they have all been denied. Even the one’s that use a different model.


    as fool said, 173 is not coming back. 


  7. Filling it out for Damien, he has issues logging into the forums

    Name: Damien

    Branch: Technical

    Rank: Senior Tech

    Rate your Activity from 1 to 10 (1 being very low 10 being incredible) : 6.5

    Are you on the Roster: Yes

    Suggestions: I'd like more cross-branch events and for security to be more responsive to escort requests. 

  8. Name: Doggo

    Branch: Technical

    Rank: Technical Manager

    Rate your Activity from 1 to 10 (1 being very low 10 being incredible) : 7-8 I'd say

    Are you on the Roster: Yes

    Suggestions: None right now

  9. 14 hours ago, Emoonk said:

    Personally, seeing as Bright does not have to follow Research rules and he is a donator class, Research Command is not responsible and is not punished for his actions. Yes in RP we may have to say "Bright stop!", but that's about it. This also seems to be another thing to manage for staff. If he a minge, he a minge.

    Bright has to follow research SOP, if he doesn't you can report it to research command/staff (If he breaks server rules)

  10. 21 hours ago, Rookieblue said:

    - Support

    MTF/GENSEC personnel would obviously shoot 682 if they aren't able to prevent him from escaping through repairing his doors or what have you. Where would you draw the line and where you would be able to shoot the SCPs? This would just create a huge number of sits along the lines of, "He shot me two inches from where he was supposed to be able to".


  11. On 1/4/2020 at 11:20 PM, Rookieblue said:

    That would be a lot of new text boxes to add when someone can just press F1 and then scroll to the relevant SCP. If someone is playing on the SCP, it's their responsibility to take the time to understand the rules they must follow.

    - Support


  12. On 1/13/2020 at 4:39 PM, Chief_ said:

    - support

    Staff reports are for When staff BREAK THE STAFF GUIDELINES

    I do think that he should be talked to about following rules as this is his FIRST REPORT

    But this should be a PLAYER REPORT in the REPORT section. 

    I would + support this if it was a player report due to him breaking an RP rule.

    This would be a staff report if he grabbed you with his physgun and such.


  13. On 1/11/2020 at 11:39 PM, Susel said:

    +/- support

    I don't really see people running into groups and throwing it, but more of a "I tried to throw the nitro but I missed, it hit the wall and killed everyone" situations


  14. 9 minutes ago, Chief_ said:


    -This is a place if you believed it was a false ban

    - it also states "THE ABOVE MOTD IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME! BY CLICKING, "CLOSE" YOU UNDERSTAND THESE RULES!" AKA by closing the rules you agree to abide by them. Can't use I didn't know card.



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