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Posts posted by Doggo0

  1. 4 hours ago, Susel said:


    Camped, went through walls like he had actual noclip, moved outside the map for his adventage (106 can only tp through thin walls/doors)


    Many people don't know about this rule so maybe a verbal is enough

  2. 2 hours ago, Emoonk said:

    MASSIVE +SUPPORT! This class just changed in a *snap* and no changes were made at all regarding the appearance of its allegiance, which in my opinion is one of the most important things. 


  3. 2 hours ago, [GL] Inaccurate said:

    These are donator classes -Support

    But adding some new level D-Class would be cool though

    It would be cool but I don't think they will add new D class jobs. They're already really hard to deal with sometimes as security or MTF.

  4. 23 hours ago, Falxen said:

    +Support for the decorations

    Huge -Support for an armoury, we dont need OFC's grabbing a Negev everytime they leave bunks.


    15 hours ago, Catsro said:

    Armory may encourage class to rush security bunks which they should not be doing.


  5. On 12/23/2019 at 7:25 AM, Berserkrpups said:


    -From what I heard and seen GENSEC is pretty much useless if a couple of D-Class rush them into a corner and just start massacring them.

    -The hammer being nerfed would draw more people to play GENSEC and not avoid getting on the job.

    -200//200 classes (a common benchmark) are a 2-4 hit which if trapped in tight spaces isn't great.

    I would say at least nerf it so the heavy hit does only 100 damage.

  6. 16 hours ago, Rookieblue said:

    +/- Support

    Bunks are currently used as a secondary safe room, so this would mean that personnel have to attempt to make it to the LCZ Panic Room instead of running back to bunks, which would be RP appropriate.

    At no point will hostile SCPs ever be allowed in D-Block, nor the D-Block hallway extension. That just isn't going to happen.


  7. 5 hours ago, Rektify Deez Nutz said:

    +/- Support, really leaning +Support

    +Great Application 
    +Has a good amount of experience 

    +/- I'm not exactly sure who you are as a person so I can't give my full support but I trust my other staff members decisions.

    I'm the same as Susel, I never saw you in game but it must me time zones

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