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Posts posted by Doggo0

  1. 1 hour ago, Rabbit said:


    Last night rookie had to nuke the server 2 times because of the number of self breaching.


    Aslo can we get more strict on people who are breaching SCPS that are not online

    You can warn people who breach SCPs that are not online. We do enforce it, but most of the time we either don't notice it or don't know who did it. Other than that +Support on the suggestion.

  2. On 3/29/2020 at 4:57 PM, Kratos™ said:


    Since Gambling has been introduced onto the Server, I believe it is morally wrong to allow virtual money to be bought with real money. As this will be entitling gambling which is a serious addiction and not to be taken lightly. It may also be illegal in some places and I believe the current system is fine. So far gambling is fine since it's all virtual money.


  3. On 3/25/2020 at 9:28 PM, NetworkParadox said:

    1. Name of the SCP you would like added:

    You forgot to put in the name, but that's not much of an issue


    On 3/25/2020 at 9:28 PM, NetworkParadox said:

    3. Link(s) to sweps: Pistol, Dagger.

    You can't just say "Pistol, Dagger". You need to specify which pistol and dagger. For example (not a pistol but could only find this at the moment) tfa_m4a1.


    On 3/25/2020 at 9:28 PM, NetworkParadox said:

    SCP-5385 must kill all Foundation personnel, however can team with Class-D or C.I if they agree to help him escape. SCP-5385 must kill them when they are no longer of use, if possible.

    This could be abused easily. It would be hard to implement, and deal with staff wise.

    Also, I'm not too sure about the stats. 2500 150 seems a little high for me. 682's model is huge and it's swep is bad, and it still takes a long time to get him down to 2500 HP. With a normal model and a ranged weapon it's much worse even if the weapon doesn't do much damage. I'd suggest lowering it to either 2000 150 or 1500 150 ( I don't know util you say what pistol and dagger you want with it).

  4. 1 hour ago, Costcotron1924Δ said:

    +/- support

    +new scp for research to test on

    -easly abusable by certain people who are known to minge

    If the drop command can be disabled, I don't see how it can be abused. 

    If it doesn't cause lag or other issues I'll +Support.

  5. 8 hours ago, Matricies said:

    Hello Clef,

    Even when the requirements for a nuke are met, it usually does not happen. Site administration usually requires a period of "Attempting" to recontain the SCPS. I've seen mass breaches go 20+ minutes with no nukes and get dealt with or 682 on surface and no nuke done. I don't think they get done that often to require an even harder rule.


  6. 1 minute ago, -Neo- said:

    How do you check if 173 failRPed with people watching him? How do you check if someone called someone else a offensive word? We don't have logs for everything but as staff it's always good to improvise or find the stories from each person. We manage pretty well.

    That's fine with me, so we'll need video/screenshot proof. (If we don't see it)

  7. 4 hours ago, Falxen said:

    +/- Support, 682 is a bit underpowered, sure, but with the current MTF/RCF Availability, it would be very difficult to handle such a increase. Without the assistance of Special Forces / Custom Class roles, its already difficult enough to contain 682 during prime-time. This would make recontaining SCP-682 during the early mornings / late nights when there aren't many MTF on near impossible to do.


  8. -Support

      - Started seriously playing on the server only 2 weeks ago

      - 6 forum posts

      - Public poll

      - Q16 could be a lot better

    While you do have much experience staffing, you need to make yourself known in the community, be active on the forums, be specific on Q16 and make a private poll. Once you do these, you have a better chance at being accepted into the staff team.

  9. On 3/22/2020 at 4:55 PM, MiniLeopard said:


    - Warns are a bit meh (even tho they look like they are not on SCPRP)

    - Only 20 posts (You need 25)

    - Q16 is a bit weird

    - Q2 you don't answer for t-mod (But I see that as a good thing you did it)



    "Answering more than the required amount of questions for the rank you are applying for will result in your application being denied."   yeah, I don't think it's a good thing

  10. 16 hours ago, starr said:


    I mean most keters are good now and other bad scps are getting buffed to be actually dangerous, and also considering that you cant relay off of RP mind control, why not at least make him tanky.

    also ive beaten the shit out of a 035 with a bat so many times i think id be a fight club king


  11. 18 hours ago, Falxen said:

    +/- Support, i mean, sure, it might be usefull for standard RP, but im gonna be honest, if im doing an Event in LCZ (For say, Research) that room is currently the only one that can actualy be used for that due to the old testing chamber now being 173's CC. And, lets be fair, who is actualy going to use that room for RP outside of events?


  12. 1 hour ago, Propane said:


    You should never tranq a human and since you're command if other Security Command agree this should be a blacklist

    He is the DHOS, I'm pretty sure he can ask for a blacklist.

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