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Posts posted by Doggo0

  1. 17 hours ago, Chief_ said:

    BTW. Saying I didn't know that it was a rule, that i didnt read the motd isn't an excuse.

    And its should be common sense not to be racist.



  2. 21 minutes ago, Max Holland said:


    Bruv, you knew what you were implying by saying “nibba” everyone does. Thinking it’s funny to be racist is not true and I hope you learn from this situation. 
    Under no circumstances is racism tolerated in any of gaminglights server.


  3. On 3/17/2020 at 9:41 PM, Gunther said:

    Huge -Support 
    CI already successfully raid every time unless Site Administration is on or lots of MTF is on. Besides, CI are very strong so our normal NLR's are fine.


  4. On 3/19/2020 at 8:58 AM, Crabbo said:

    - Support I like the idea but this cannot be implemented into the server for a few reason.
    One: This would allow for "Teaming" Of sorts between foundation personal and SCPs.
    Two: As mattO said That would break the conditions for SCP 076. When Luring SCP 076 over to CI Its almost impossible for him not to see a single weapon thus enraging and killing the entire A9 unit and all other near by units. This makes A9 a nuisance for their own team.
    Three: The branch seems very niche, They would only be able to kill things with planning. All units are better if they know what they are facing but this one seems to based off this concept. Not to mention while trying to get the SCPs out of their cells, they still need to get them to a specific location without the SCP running away or the A9 unit dying.


  5. -Support 

    2 hours ago, Rookieblue said:

    Oh, outstanding. I'm just gonna put this here from the MOTD as well:

    • Class D personnel are never allowed to spawn props.

    Also, if someone tries to propkill you, you call staff. Don't break rules just because someone else broke them.

  6. Name: Doggo
    Rank: 2LT
    Reason for leaving: I got high command in utility, so I don't have enough time for MTF. I hope the best for this branch, I had so much fun since I joined, but it's been a little boring for me in the last few weeks. 
    Will you stay active during your 48 hour notice? Yes

  7. 5 minutes ago, starr said:


    though this would be good lore-wise it allows metagaming which this server isn't too fond of, dr bright should technically as well but this just raises the issue of people abusing/minging with it


  8. 18 hours ago, [GL] Inaccurate said:

    +/- Support

    I will list the pros and cons for this:


    It relieves staff of many sits, allowing us to focus on larger issues

    People can get unstuck as soon as they get stuck, so less time waiting stuck in the ceiling

    Time limit prevents constant abuse


    Why increase the number of files to download? Staff can get people unstuck as well

    There seems to be mixed quality for this specific addon. Some people say it works, while others say it don't


    Can be abused even with the time limit (e.g teleporting into a room that requires clearance higher than your RP jobs)

    Not necessary

    Could cause people to get stuck/ make them more stuck in the first place

    Possible issues withe addon



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