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Posts posted by Doggo0

  1. 3 hours ago, Stream Sniper Moat.gg said:

    People who have the knife payed for it! Don't lower the damage use tactical strategy to defend yourself. 

    Just because people payed for it doesn't mean it should be this OP. If it's making people not want to play gensec, then it's obviously a problem. +Support

  2. 3 hours ago, MTF OM9 COL Daedran CL46 said:

    +/- Support
    While you may have previous staffing experience and currently have no rule violations on the server, I have not seen you on the server personally, nor have I heard about you in the community, possibly due to you recently coming back. On top of that you could have put a bit more detail in your application, but that aside it is relatively alright. I would like to see you build a community reputation that is well known both in the Gaminglight SCP-RP server and on the forums along with meeting the required forum activity before I can give this my full support, otherwise my neutral support won't be subject to change.


  3. 17 hours ago, BlueToxicTank said:

    + Support

    - Jack is on a CC called "Jack" I know this because the blue outlining of his name is the exact same colour as the CC on the leader board and jack was playing on his CC when this event happened.

    - Weiss admitted braking NLRx1 so I cant understand why some people are - supporting saying this is no evidence when he has admitted to the violation. 

    - Overall it should be warn for NLR x1.


  4. 13 hours ago, Chief_ said:


    - If this is his first offence (don't know if SMT has talked to him before) then just a talking to. If it isn't then up to SMT really.

    - Clearly shows him physicking a player that isn't stuck. (he can physgun him if he was stuck). 


  5. Wow there are many things wrong with this application. Let's see

     - No poll.

     - The application is a mess.

     - Q16 (Q4 in this app) is wrong. You can't ban until you become an admin, so you need to call higher ups if this happens. Because of this I do not think you read the Staff Handbook.

     - You're not applying for admin. You're applying for trial moderator.

     - Q15 only has 114 words.

     - Really new, only has 1 forum post.

    1 hour ago, ThatWhiteKid said:

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?  no i do not

      ^ You need to answer with a number. In your case it's 0.

    Overall I think you should try applying once you have been in the community for a bit longer. Until then try to improve on this, because as of now there is no way this is going to get accepted.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 22 hours ago, Falxen said:

    +support for a warn, as this is a warnable offense, not a ban. If it turns out that this individual has abused SCP's on multiple occasions, he should be blacklisted from SCP-106/173/343.

    He only has a warn for LTAP | Breaking NLR. This will be his first offence with abusing SCP sweps, so only a warn is necessary.

  7. 6 hours ago, Chief_ said:

    No. In upper d-block that is. Lower its only guns/throw able weapons. Those are Auto KOS.

    Yeah, that's what I was trying to say. Just the sign is in lower D block, next to the elevator.

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