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Posts posted by Doggo0

  1. 12 hours ago, Dragin said:

    +/- Support 

    I believe both you and zerk should be warned

    Reaper- for RDM

    Zerk- for prop spam 

    Also ill be the first to say this but you attacked a d class that had his fists out aka wrong you needed to give a 5 second warning 

    I'm pretty sure in lower D block it says that if you have your fists out it's KOS, not that you have 5 seconds to put it away.

  2. 2 hours ago, M8VP said:

    To be fair on Charlie -3 I only see about 1-2 of them on each day, they prob could be afking as well, and for Recon Force usually get 1-2 people on each day and we don't usually play at the same times, so to be fair it's about 4 people on each day for those classes which isn't a problem so If I were to be honest +/- support for right now since  Ares was already nerfed by Igneous and untill it becomes a major problem I will +Support the nerf for the ares.


  3. 7 hours ago, CanOBeanz said:

    +support +support +support

    The riot shield we have right now is basically an item you just pull out for the lulz. 

    The only legit tactical strategy i've found to be successful with this thing is to run away from the threat backwards, down a hall while jumping frantically and hope you got lucky enough to equip it somewhere in front of your body instead of inside your body


  4. 8 minutes ago, The Light said:

    If this change was Recent then give it more time because tbh I don't have any problem with it not going into D-Block and from what I have seen there hasn't been really much complaints about it 😕


  5. -Support for a few reasons

      - No poll.

      - I never saw your name before, it may be timezone differences though.

      ~ 9 warns, but all of them from 2017.

      - Q16 is technically right, but we want the best, most detailed answer you can provide, not just follow CoC until they can handle it.

    You may have experience as staff, but you need more than that to join the staff team. Get yourself known in the community, and be active. Good luck!

    (I do not know why the screenshot of your warns is on PoliceRP, if you're applying for PRP staff disregard what I said about not seeing your name before.)

  6. 2 hours ago, Falxen said:

    If this is a possible solution, it'd be lovely.

    Otherwise, 682 can just wait untill after combat is over to advert it, if MTF complains that you dont advert while they are actively shooting you, i dunno what to tell them.


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