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Head Admin
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Everything posted by Will

  1. Mini, while it has been an eternity since I have been in SWAT, I gotta say that you are one of the longest serving members in the department. You have been an inspiration to so many officers, and probably more than you know about thanks to your continued leadership and professionalism you've displayed during your time as command and throughout your journey up the ranks. Thanks for your contributions, and best of luck with your school work!
  2. Sorry for your loss, and I hope y'all are doing well. Remember that you two have each other and from what it sounds like, you two practically are a family, so try not to let this get you down too badly.
  3. +Support I find this is a great addon to add as not only is it a relatively small addon to install (about 8 MB), but it also would allow players to play their own music without worrying about it being too loud, have to toggle settings, or use different soundboards. While I do think that the Hobo job should still retain it's ability to micspam music, I also feel this will be of interest to a number of different players, old and new alike.
  4. -Support While I can understand the fact that those who purchased the custom printers can be upset about the adjustments being made to the economy, these nerfed money outputs on the printers do equal out to reflect the new prices in and around the server (take a look at the pries in the car dealer for example, where the "super secret" in the platinum dealer has lost a 0 at the end of it's price tag). Of course the adjustments being made to the economy can still be adjusted over time and as needed, but I think that everything is pretty even and fair for the time being (though that's just my opinion on the matter).
  5. +Support Not an issue typically, but a clarification should be added to make things less complex for government attempting to get warrants (can be annoying especially when there is a president on having to wait for approval of each warrant).
  6. +Support Gives criminals and government alike new things to participate in and respond to. The only cons I see for this is that the workshop content the item has listed under it's installation tab add up to around 70+ MB which may cause some lag and cause longer wait times. Overall, it looks like a great addon and activity to add to the overall roleplay experience.
  7. Damn, I was not expecting to see this post for a long while. I really got to say that the server is going to be different without you around all the time, but it's good to hear that your taking the time to take care of yourself and your mental state. Hopefully you'll come around every now and again to visit us all in TS or in-game, but I really got to say thank you for the memories Herrman, and I wish you all the best going forward!
  8. -Support No format, and you are responsible for any and all actions taken by your account, regardless of who is behind the screen. No to mention, we wouldn't know who to unban because you didn't list your SteamID; even if this were to be accepted. Perhaps you should read over and fill out the format next time?
  9. -Support Don't get me wrong that I would love for this to be a thing, but unless if there is some kind of addon or content we can use, then there is no real way to implement this (SMT don't make content like this!) The only possible way I could think of this being enforced (speed limits) is by using cruise control in your car, which even then, very few people know about and even less I'm sure know how to use it. I like the idea, but it's not possible to implement this at the current time in my opinion.
  10. Will

    wrong purchase made

    @ReaperLite make a support ticket in the community discord server https://discord.gg/JFWN55K (Moved to SCPRP general section)
  12. Your In-game: Will The player's name in-game: MICHAEL The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:76924797 What did the player do: 40 warns Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198114115322 What do you believe should happen to the player: Perma ban Any extra information:
  13. Forum Diplomat Message This thread has been locked for SMT review due to arguments. Forum warnings may be issued to the users who took part in this kind of conduct.
  14. -Support Hacking of any sort is not permitted on our servers, which is why it results in a permanent ban. Many other servers and communities have similar standards where hacking is not allowed, so I fail to see why you would have thought it was OK to use cheats.
  15. Forum diplomat message Please keep posts on warn appeals and applications strictly to + or - supports with a brief list of reasons to go along with them. Arguments on this thread have been hidden and further behavior of this sorts will result in the post being locked for SMT review.
  16. -Support Someone moving 2 CM while you are mugging them would not be a reason to kill them. You must either give them 20 seconds to drop the cash, or they must be actively running away from you (such as crossing the street or entering a building to get away from you. Please also make sure that they know you are mugging them, kidnaping, or whatever it is you are doing to them before deciding to execute them.
  17. In-Game Name: Will Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Super Admin How many hours do you have on the server?: 49 weeks What is your general knowledge on the rules? Very knowledgeable How many warns do you have? (No more than 15): 2 Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+): Mainly it's so I can host events again in the server and give our players something they can enjoy instead of what feels like the same handful of events every week. While I may not have the greatest availability in the world (due to me working a full time job and going to college), I still want to be able to help out with giving our players an experience they can remember, which is one of the core values I think staff and event staff have. While my track record in the past hasn't been the best in terms of holding events, I will try my best to be able to hold events throughout the day and or night, and of course try to let the leaders know when I will be unavailable throughout the week (so they can plan in advance for my absence) I hope this is enough evidence to show that I am interested in coming back to event team and helping out, and of course I appreciate you reading through this. Describe an event you could create (Be specific): Rocket League or the Sniper Shootout Events. For Rocket League, a dupe would be set up in front of State Base (in the field). Players would need to bring their own vehicles in which a SuperAdmin+ would need to color the cars. Teams would be split up evenly, on different sides of the arena and the announcer would count off (3, 2, 1, go kinda thing) while other Event Team people fly around and repair cars and unstuck the ball when it get's stuck. First to a certain amount of points wins. The second example is the sniper shootout event where players are split up on 2 seperate sides of the map and play in a TDM style game where weapons, health, and armor are given to even out the challenge. First to a certain amount of points wins. If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? (Must be in EST timezone) Monday - Friday: Typically after 6:30 PM, but varies by day Saturday and Sunday: Typically after 6:30 PM, but varies by day Have you read the Event Team Guidelines? Yes
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