In Game Name: Gh0pit
Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001):
Discord Name (Bread#0001): Gh0pit#5822
If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): None (im epic)
When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): 3 years ago maybe idk
Why do you want to join Nu-7? (75 word minimum): i can't join mtf or ci without losing reserves so nu7 is now my new baby. Otherwise, wanted to check out the new status of the server and look at all the new content and I feel nu7 is the best way to accomplish that fully. Plus in all my time, I've never played nu7 and honestly it's like one of the last branches i haven't at least tried on the server (sorry research) but otherwise, new classes go brrr and scp on nu7 go brrr. yato please accept this i swear its 75 words
If you have any Branch Strikes/Punishments, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): None (squeaky clean)
If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): CMDR of E11, 2LT of CI, RHO HCMD, Security SM, Certified Private Detective.
Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: uhm sure?
Did anyone recommend you to join Nu-7? (If nobody did, exclude this from your application.): no one