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Everything posted by Killer.

  1. I honestly forgot that they don't have it
  2. Best Movie EVER I also like this movie called "The Scottish Minge Named Cammy"
  3. So I was checking the forums, and saw Zero's post saying Transformers is the best movie, so I was wondering what are your guys favorite movie? Mine Is Avengers Endgame, Infinity war was good, but I just like Endgame because it was a wrapping up a whole decade
  4. Na my mom called asking, what I should do. I aint going to a doctor right now xD
  5. Yea well my doctor told me I cant' go to school, so it wasn't even my decision, but im happy anyways
  6. Update for me. Well School isn't closed yet there are 2 cases in my town, not released to public I just know because of my older brothers who work as dispatch, and I can't go to school until corona virus is out of my town due to me having compromised lungs which when you have a compromised immune system or lungs it's worst for you then for someone who has a good immune system and good lungs.
  7. I mean, they did get warned 42 times although I cant speak because I had a lot of warnings a while ago but never on one server and plus if someone was not held accountable then no one would be denied for a ban appeal
  8. My favorite department is Cadet.
  9. I'll leave my input until Rookie responds, so right now i'm Neutral
  10. yea I know, but its also a county away me from me and schools shut down for 2 weeks and its getting pretty close to where I live, but I'm not that worried it's just like the flu, it just spread a lot more and faster
  11. There are a few cases near me, but in the City close to me like a hour and a half away from me, they had to close down this one area and no one is allowed to open shops or anything over there and they are just cleaning it down because its the worst there than anywhere else in the city so
  12. Also I don't think RDM logs would be needed in this case lol, he already said multiple things that can get him blacklisted / perma
  13. and there is a option saying "click to call EMS" or something along those lines and you did click money, sure Will did have option to TP you back but you still broke a rule and there are punishments if you break these rules.
  14. Sorry Zerg, but the rank of a admin you need to be active and mature.
  15. +Support Active Low Warnings Mature Sure he did respond to his own app, but he was answering a question which in my opinion that should be allowed, I mean you pretty much asked him a question how you want him to answer that Good Luck Bird!
  16. They both should get a warning because, they were not wanted so no excuse for RDM, the video clearly shows combat healing, and they were not in same family meaning Aaron could not help Hunters, so they should both be warned for RDM and RDM / Combat Healing to Hunter.
  17. So I checked out the base for myself (before I raided it) and I took this screenshot with my physgun out) https://prnt.sc/rdj4m7 U can see through the wall, due to the material
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