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Everything posted by TheeReaper

  1. +HUGE SUPPORT! Finally something new!
  2. Please make sure suggestions are pertinent and relevant! What you want to see? - If CI capture any SA, O5, or High CMD, for them to be Soft/hard PK'ed or Striked if MTF Kill him, Does not include Cyanide. Why should we add it? - There are plenty of Reason why you should accept this. 1. CI can never have a Legit RP with the person and/or MTF. 2. MTF never negotiating and just rushing in and killing the person. 3. Minging, The person really not caring what happens and just waits for MTF. 4. MTF Pretending to Negotiate, then killing the SA/O5. These are some of the things that we have to deal with in CI, if this get's accepted we wont have to hardly ever deal with any of these. What are the advantages of having this? - Allowing CI and MTF to have Legit RP. Also not make Site SA so Cocky about being captured and actually scared. Who is it mainly for? - CI, MTF, SA, O5 Links to any content - None
  3. Goodbye Connor, hope you find the motivation again someday.
  4. Name: TheeReaper Rank: LCPL Callsign: XA17? Activity: Active Region (US/EU): US DiscordID#: TheeReaper#4268 What do you like/what do you want to see happen in CI: I love the member's in it rn and nothing need's to be changed
  5. Name: Reaper Rank: PFC Callsign: XX6 Activity: Active Region (US/EU): US DiscordID#: TheeReaper#4268 What do you like/what do you want to see happen in CI: More people in general, Possibly make a trainee Job so we can get more people and make CI active
  6. + Support Could not hit the nail more on the head on this on!
  7. Sorry man, I don't think your really ready to be staff. Wait about 2-3 months when you can get them warns old and prove yourself worthy of the Position. - Support
  8. Name: TheeReaper Rank: Recruit Callsign: None Date of LOA Leave/Return: 7/9/2019 - 7/16/2019 Reason (if private write N/A): Going on a Camping trip
  9. Name (In-Game/Discord): Theodore Reaper - TheeReaper#4268 Rank (In-Game): JR SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104825571
  10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r-LgvDntoqlXXQWzuWGqeqcMvHvOLeBtpIaEver-6Pc/edit?usp=sharing What is SCP-999 Favorite Candy?
  11. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cnQz9cgDtZIouk6pdgCkjLs1ixm1rUEreF0_cRal-C4/edit?usp=sharing Further Testing is Required to see how SCP-131 Really Acts when a Person is asleep near them
  12. What is your in-game name?: TheeReaper What is your steam name?: [GL] TheeReaper What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:104825571 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) None What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) I would say around the 12th of March What date did you make your forums account? May 22 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Platinum How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198169916871/screenshot/779602389933950521 Have you donated? I bought Gold myself and after that Fireman Bought me Platinum, Shout out to fireman on that What rank are you applying for? Trail Mod Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No Timezone: EST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) The Reason I believe I deserve the Rank of Trail Moderator is Because I am on allot late at night and Usually during the Hours of 3-7AM is called Minge hour due to it, well, Being Minge hour. It is so hard to play during those times as a Legit RolePlayer due to, D class minging and RDM'ing, SCP's FRP'ing and No Staff on to Control them. If I get accepted for SCP-RP Staff I will make it my Duty to not Just staff during Normal Hours but, Staff During Minge Hours and Help the Legitimate Rolelayers actual Roleplay. Minge Hour kind's of, in a way, Brings a bad name to the server During those hours. If I can get accepted for Trail Moderator, I will make Sure Minge Hour becomes, Just playing SCP-RP normally Late at night. Also, During my time on ET I saw that Even during the day, that SITS were not being taken, either due to Staff being busy, AFK, or just not there. So, if I get T-mod I will make Sure that every SIT gets taken! This is why I believe I should get T-Mod. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would Warn them for Mass Rdm'ing and Cursing at me in the same warn, if they continue I will ask a Admin+ to Anti-Minge them for 10000 Seconds
  13. I dont have any hatred toward you bro, and If you had got confused which I now relies, I was on the A1 Job as a LCPL
  14. Your In-game: TheeReaper Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104825571 The admin's name in-game:Knuckles The admin's steam name (If you know it):[GL] Knuckles What did the admin do: Nemusus had went AFK for 5 Minutes for his dog, I was dragging him to LHCZ Becuase the D class were rioting and Youtube got a admin for it and Knuckles legit took youtube's side immanently and killed Nemusus Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED): I will put the picture in the attach files section | V What do you believe should happen to the admin: He should not be aloud to apply for SA until he learns how to handle situations correctly Any extra information: No
  15. What you want to see? - SCP-049's model to be updated Why should we add it? - The model currently in use was the model SCP:CB used, a 7 year old game. If we change the model to a newer one I believe it will improve roleplay. What are the advantages of having this? - Better roleplay, Will make interactions during Breaches more creepy, Will improve the overall RP experience Who is it mainly for? - SCP-049 Links to any content - The Player Model - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1355143637
  16. Me and Kyle are going to be shooting a promotional video for the server tomorrow at 7pm. We will be doing it from 3 POV's and 3 scenario's, 1st one, 7 Escaped Class D's escape and Evade termination and are rescued by CI. 2nd one, MTF units are called in for multiple keter breaches, They will move into HCZ and Lock it down, light will be turned off and NVG activated 3rd one, A Senior Researcher will be testing on 035 when the power go's out, Most of it will be the testing. If you want to take part and help with this video please reply
  17. Name: TheeReaper Rank: JFTO SFC Why should you retain your current rank? (SGT+ must answer this): I believe I always show good guidance to my men and always help where needed, Call lock downs when needed ''Defcon 3'' , And help out where ever I can. Any Concerns?: I believe MSGT and SGM should be aloud to call lock downs during Defcon 4
  18. This is my Interview with SCP-527 Google Docs RND Format (1).docx
  19. <RND EYES ONLY> <Using Optic Scanners To Validate Personnel> <Clearance Validated> <Welcome, Authorized User> RND Research Report #[4891 – E] Take. All. SCPs. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Case File: #[1984] Eric Pestilance Love Full Name: [TheeReaper] Current Position: [Assistant Researcher] ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date: [5/27/----] Location: Site 05, Location Unknown [ SCPs Involved: [066] [Testing took place at [Redacted] Hypothesis: SCP 066 Will attack D class Love once the word ''Eric'' Is spoken in its presence. Observation 1-A: Found 066 on surface with 049, 049 Was wearing lavender gloves and wondered off. Researcher: [RND ----- TheeReaper] Subject: [066] [Begin Audio Log] . (The opening and closing of the air locked blast proof entry way can be heard as RND Theodore D. TheeReaper can be heard speaking over the RND Testing room intercoms.) . AR Reaper: Attention D class Love enter the CC or be terminated by PVT [Redacted]. . (Class D silently Curses out The RA) . D class Love: Fine Fine, Im going in, dont need to be so rude ha essay? RA Reaper: D class Love, say the word, Cire. . (D class Love then says, Cire) . SCP 066: *Begins to make music from unknown origin* . RA Reaper: OK, now with that revolver, shoot at the target we placed in the middle of the room. . (D class love pulls out the revolver and shoot the target) . SCP 066: *Begin to move around the CC and appear to show fear* RA Reaper: D Class love, say the word ''Eric''. (CC Door sparks and then begins to open) (D class love says Eric) SCP 066: *Makes a high pitched scream immendentaly killing the D class and the 2 Alpha op's stationed outside the CC* RA Reaper: Crap! Send in medical to the 2 Alpha op's and get that CC closed! [End Audio Log] Observation 1-B: The 3 bodies were sent to the medical bay for examination, Medical Staff said the cause of death in the 2 Alpha ops and D class was, Their brain melting. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Errors or Safety Hazards: The CC door opened due to a faulty wire, Getting 2 Alpha Op's killed. Conclusion: SCP 066, Shows fear to loud noises such as GunShots. ---------------------------------------------------------------- [TheeReaper] [RA] Area [REDACTED] Location Unknown Research Log Filed
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