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Everything posted by October

  1. Typically these type of bans (warn bans as they’re called) are unappealable and you just have to wait them out. 15 hours isn’t that long, and you’ll most likely be unbanned before SMT get to this report. For future reference, every 10 warns (10/20/30/40) there is a ban administered, each worse than the last, and at 40 it’s a perma ban.
  2. I don’t know man, in my experience people don’t change as much as you claim you have, and I personally don’t believe you deserve to be unbanned because of the seriousness of the offense. Sadly, I judge people by their actions and base the value of their word off of that, so I don’t really trust your word.
  3. -support, those are some serious offenses and it’s been a year. You’ve also provided little dispute.
  4. October


    -support you just basically reposted your other blacklist appeal and you’ve put next to no work in this. There’s no reason to unblacklist you.
  5. +support Will you’re an awesome dude and you gave wonderful responses to all of the questions, good luck.
  6. You can get blacklisted from multiple SCP’s depending on the offense. For example, if you abuse either 173 106 or 343 then you get a blacklist from all 3. In my opinion, -support as you even admitted to breaking the rules.
  7. +/- support You have some decent answers, but I’d love if you went more in depth on your final answer. Good luck
  8. +support this guy is awesome! He’s ex-JMT and he would be a wonderful addition to the forum diplomat team.
  9. MOVED TO THE CORRECT SECTION Anyways, -support. You seem to have been in the wrong here, and I don’t believe any form of punishment is necessary for the staff member(s) in question.
  10. I imagine that was a typo on Mike’s behalf, I can’t say.
  11. Moved to correct section Anyways, your ban is up for this and bans based on number of warns cannot be appealed.
  12. Maynard has never been a donator job. The command “Buddha” is a console command that ET can use to prevent them from dying (they still lose HP). To my knowledge there’s never been a case of a Maynard abusing the Buddha command.
  13. Why is clarification necessary tho? It does give you an advantage and it’s a third party program, so it’s violating the rules. Rang has already given a blatant “no” when he was asked earlier in this thread if autoclickers are allowed.
  14. That’s true, but he violated the rules and we have to be consistent on these rules particularly since it’s a slippery slope. Imagine if it were MRDM, say he killed 9 d-bois who were all AFK, would their status as AFK mean that he can’t be punished for RDM?
  15. October

    appeal ban

    When I say you’ve been banned for racial slurs before I’m counting your ban for racism on PRP
  16. October

    appeal ban

    First of all it’s not your first time being banned for homophobia nor is it your first time being banned for racial slurs. Actions like that is not tolerated in this community.
  17. -support This honestly doesn’t seem too necessary and the numbers are a little bit obnoxious in my opinion.
  18. Anyone voting for anything but TTTis objectively wrong tho lol.
  19. -support, it’s 3 times and on one of them (Karen‘s post) you disliked them before he disliked you back. This claim, in my opinion, doesn’t hold water. For reference, spam would look like multiple times every day, those are 3 different times across 2 days, far from spam. I personally think you’re complaining since it sucks to be downvoted, but it’s not a violation of the rules if it happens to you. I would like @[GL] loudyfam (Jack S) to give his side tho.
  20. Major -support You have so many warns for failRP and other things (SWEP abuse, entering E11 base as 966, etc), and according to your warn history (Found here) your earliest one is from 5/30/20 so you aren’t that new. You have warns on the following SCP’s: 049, 966, 106 (correct me if I missed any). You also have many warns for NCWS (not complying with staff) and you’ve been banned for threatening to crash the server.
  21. Yes but an enlisted O9 has next to no armor, I do support 250hp for E4 tho
  22. What you want to see? - As the title says, I want forum diplomats to be able to pin posts Why should we add it? - I believe that it would alleviate an annoying task from SMT, as that’s already our job to do. Plus, it’s not really an abusable thing such as forums warnings, so there’s no true harm that would be worse than what a forum diplomat could theoretically already do. What are the advantages of having this? - Makes SMT’s job easier and those who need posts pinned have more people to go to. Who Is This For : Forums diplomats and SMT
  23. On top of the fact that you were cheating, warns older than 1 year are non-appealable
  24. All racism related offenses should result in a ban not just a warn. +support, particularly since he has a history of racism.
  25. Why does activity, or lack thereof, have anything to do with your argument as to why the 527 blacklist should be repealed. The important part is sincerity and change in the individual, I’ve seen neither.
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