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Lefty last won the day on June 3 2021

Lefty had the most liked content!


About Lefty

  • Birthday 01/01/2019

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Proficient (10/14)

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  1. Lefty

    600th Post

    This is my 600th post
  2. Lefty


    Bye I am leaving now and need CI General reserves
  3. + Support they threatened to remove me if I didnt comment
  4. Accepted! We have reviewed your application, and decided to accept you for training. Join the SCP-RP Discord and get the member-self role Chaos-Requesting-Tags and message the Text to Train Channel for an FTO Feel free to message me on discord if you need assistance Lefty#4119 SCP RP Discord: https://discord.gg/QuJZZT2w
  5. Sorry not enough evidence, I'm going to need to see a video of the E4 POV before changing my answer. - Support
  6. Actually the chilliest guy I met
  7. +Support Extreme Dedication to the server
  8. +Support I believe he has no intentions of actual racism Actually cool/chill guy too
  9. -/+ got removed from SF twice
  10. +Support Really like working with you in CI
  11. Name: Lefty Rank: 1LT Call Sign: BOTO Discord#1234: Lefty#4119 Suggestions/Complaints/Concerns/Extra: No suir Do you wish to remain apart of Military?: yes
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