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[GL] My Pet named Steve

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Everything posted by [GL] My Pet named Steve

  1. Ok really? You should get demoted if anything for saying that
  2. This is really wierd...I don't even know what side to be on...
  3. Your In-game: Steve the Russian Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 The player's name in-game: Weed Corp Employee The player's steam name (If you know it): Couldn't find it What did the player do: Staff Disrespect/Admin Disrespect/Player Disrespect Evidence (REQUIRED): First one: https://gyazo.com/261c67eec3f4a4ea85fa5ed204dfd1b7 Second one: https://gyazo.com/8f2c53dab3f0864b778b1fbcfc2fc8b4 What do you believe should happen to the player: 2+ Day ban. This guy obviously doesn't care about how the admins handle the situations they come across, more on if they are even old enough to do admin sits, which they do, and I think they are amazing at their jobs. It doesn't matter the age, it matters on who the person is and how they handle each situation. Any extra information: N/A
  4. Who owns the Mercenary custom class? (POLICE RP)
  5. I was responding to the bank because there was a robbery in it. PD were dealing with another situation at red warehouse. I went to the bank, and was ready to enter, when Bob Kill said he was going to help me in the stopping the robbery. I said no, of course. He then proceeded to type /advert assist, in which trying to assist the already started bank robbery, which was being done by another person, not in the same gang. The robber was not even in a gang. He shot me once, and I returned fire. I killed him, but not before John assisted in shooting me and running into the bank and into the vault. There were people in the vault that assisted the robber not in the same gang. I died, but John assisted bob kill in FailRPing. We had a large admin sit, and Bob and John were warned for this. He said "If my friend shoots you, and you fire back, I am going to help him". By this, he meant he was helping his friend FailRP and telling me that I shouldn't of shot him, and just sat there and died. This is my side of the story. I hope this makes ALOT more sense.
  6. The price could also depend on the reason of wanting, like 100k or something huge. Also, good suggestion Rhenic
  7. What you want to see? - I want to see either being able to go to the PD front desk and pay off the wanted sign above a person's head, by talking to a PD member, or using a machine to do so. Why should we add it? - This would greatly increase RP, and have confirmation on the rule of the KOS/AOS wanted sign rule. I believe it would also prevent meta gaming, and sometimes things are glitched, or the ticket, for say, is overpriced. What are the advantages of having this? - This would be a great thing, as the money, could be split up among the CP officials, such as taxes. To pay this off, it would be around 10k - 20k, and be given to the taxes area, and let the president pay the CP. However, not all of the money would go, just a percentage. The rest of the money would be brought nowhere. I honestly hate getting arrested due to the rule of the wanted sign. This is very annoying, and doesn't really make much sense in RP. Who is it mainly for? - Anyone excluding government officials Links to any content - N/A
  8. The USP isn't really legal, in RP. We try to RP the best we can, it's not my decision...
  9. +/- Support Low warns Staff Expierience Good activity on forums/in-game Alot of grammarical errors Could be more in depth with Q's 14 & 15 Good luck! - My Pet named Steve
  10. Maddog does sometimes mismanipulate things, but that's not reason for you, considering the USP-S is still considered illegal, and you can be arrested for it. If you refuse to cooperate, then you deserve the warn. -Support
  11. No opinion on this, except that you are VERY new to this community.
  12. Brown/Black Dog: New puppy, 4 months old, name is Wickett. I got him today! https://gyazo.com/ef471effd767b5c0b52cdc7ce6f03eae Black/Brown: Puppy, 8 months, got him in April, name is Kylo. https://gyazo.com/92243add1c07497a275d2d9e92c0e8f0
  13. Your In-game: My Pet named Steve Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 The player's name in-game: Quantum The player's steam name (If you know it): Couldn't find it, sorry! What did the player do: ARDM/Self-Supply/Attempting to steal government vehicle Evidence (REQUIRED): What do you believe should happen to the player: 1-4 Day ban or warning Any extra information: My health was at 100 HP, 150 armor, then he started to kill me, I tabbed out, but came in before he killed me, for some reason, the record button lagged and it started later than I wanted it.
  14. Your In-game: My Pet named Steve Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 The player's name in-game: SHOTGUN WILLY The player's steam name (If you know it): Couldn't find it, sorry! What did the player do: Mass RDM/NLR/Self-Supply Evidence (REQUIRED): What do you believe should happen to the player: 1-3 day ban, he only has 20 minutes played but deffinetly does not care about rules. He is a minge. Any extra information:
  15. -Support Not many tac units have gas, and those that do are trained to use it. it is meant to push out criminals hiding in obnoxious spots and bases hat are near impossible to raid. Such as above the door of the bank vault. Only SWAT and SRT Command have access to it
  16. +/-Support Have had a good amount of problems with you before Doesnt seem to know the rules as good he should Quite a few warns Active Long time member Good app
  17. Also just donate for VIP+ if you can afford it to get more props placed down
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