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[GL] My Pet named Steve

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Everything posted by [GL] My Pet named Steve

  1. FBI are not getting 200 armor and LMGs, thats more armor than what I get as a breacher in SRT
  2. Doesn't matter, no tac commanders/units are going to let FBI command them.
  3. Last time I checked, PD didn't have fubars, smoke grenades and flash bangs
  4. Seen some FBI agents recently disobeying orders, going into the bank when told not to, plus we don't need 4 tac teams, and 2 pres protector's Plus, SRT is the most elite tac unit, we're not going to have an FBI prob agent take command, plus our weapons are more powerful and we have breaching tools such as smoke, flash, and fubar
  5. -Support Have way too many problems with FBI alone Tac teams will not listen to FBI agent, FBI aren't trained for this
  6. It's confirmed. You were never a head admin and you copied someone else's.
  7. Eh, just a suggestion. Kinda tired of that stupid rule of KOS/AOS
  8. +Support Good app Mature/Freidnly to all players Low warns Active in game and ts3 Staff experience Needs more forum activity Alot of grammar mistakes
  9. I just realized something. Why would you just try out police rp and decide to leave as a head admin? Unless you never were, which I'm sure you weren't, or got fired for something you did.
  10. If you are caught lying about being a head admin, which I am almost positive by your app you weren't, then you can be severely punished. Also, did your really say yes to your own poll?
  11. -Support Never seen on forums, in-game, or TS3 #14 needs ALOT OF work, you have nothing that "interesting" or unique about it #15 is wrong No effort put into application App shows no effort of using grammar First post was staff App Lied about being a head admin In my opinion, you are deffinetley not ready for staff Copied Application! Now you need to be staff restricted in my opinion
  12. Your In-game: Steve the Russian Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 The player's name in-game: OFC Nick The player's steam name (If you know it): [MEDIC] such wow What did the player do: Player Diss x 3, plus more that can be provided from SNR Moderator Pull Evidence (REQUIRED): 1. https://gyazo.com/68d8b50e57c3412200074fcad63c2092 2. https://gyazo.com/8a0757fdfe5e4a512e74e93050ce4883 3. https://gyazo.com/cf5422b7e28e6693d4c8cd3706803083 What do you believe should happen to the player: 1+ Day ban Any extra information: Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:36090281 SNR Moderator Pull was there, and he was warned for many other things as well, he can describe more in depth of those aswell. Also, the picture where he was a civilian was when he was demoted.
  13. +Support Active in-game, forums, TS3 No warns Mature/Friendly to ALL players Deserves a chance at staff Application sounds like one I've heard before but that might just be me 15 needs to be more in-depth, plus you ignored the Mass RDM part. Good luck! - My Pet named Steve
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