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[GL] My Pet named Steve

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Everything posted by [GL] My Pet named Steve

  1. Rank You are Applying For: Lieutenant In-Game Name: SRT CSM Steve 1T79 | Steve the Russian King SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 Current Rank: Seargent Major (SM) How long have you been in your current rank?: Almost 2 months What timezone are you in?: Eastern Standard Time (EST) How many Warns do you have?: 0 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I must start off with saying that I do apologize to those who feel I am not on PD all the time. The truth is, I have a lot on my hands, with myself being now S.R.T command, as well as a Senior Administrator, as well as the staff branches I am in, I do not have much time for specifically the P.D job(s). However, in my time as a government official and staff member, I have come to know many members within the Police Department's Low & High Command. I feel that promoting me would not only help to secure more authority within the P.D but as well as benefit the other command members, as I am online quite frankly, every day when possible. Many people come online later in the evening, often at 4:30 to 5:00 PM EST. Although I may not always be seen on the job itself, I will still be able to enforce the rules on S.R.T, criminal, and staff. Now, I wouldn't act out saying, "I'm an LT in the PD, don't even think of arresting me", I would simply say if I saw an officer in need of correction, as long as they treat me respectfully, something more like, "Hey man, you can't do that, next time try to not do that and there won't be problems! If you have any questions, please contact me!". I feel this would help with the problems that officers and players come against often while RPing. I would like to help eliminate any and all corrupt officers, ensure that all officers understand regular guidelines and procedures, and I also want to ensure that officers are trained thoroughly and correctly. Training a new officer is not just a quick ten minutes. It is a learning area for not only the trainee but also the trainer. If the trainee learns well, it's evidently clear the trainer has taught them well. That trainer is something that is needed more within the department, as it saddens me when I see so many cadets become officers, only to be struck down due to the fact that their trainer did not teach them well enough. However, there are many times as well the trainer did an amazing job, but the cadet was there to just minge and cause chaos. Either way, not only would hopefully officers improve, and as I said before, I feel that promoting myself would help to decrease the need of contacting a command member every time an officer is found breaking either a server rule or SOP. As S.R.T command, as I know you will all see I have been recently promoted, however, I believe that giving me this promotion will help to not only further prove myself to S.R.T Command, but also to everyone. I am not talking about just the command members of the Police Department, but also its lower ranking officers. Those who want to improve, look highly to not only its command but its supervisors as well. As command, you represent the Police Department, and I want new officers to look up to the command, and show how great of a department the Police Department is. The department is the base for great officers, to those who want to strive for promotions to join other branches, to show they can be better. I want to be better, by showing all who want to see, that I am ready for this promotion and that I can do what is needed to make the Police Department better than ever before. Thank you to all who review my application, give your opinions as you wish, and good luck to fellow officers who may be seeking LT as well, or just showing they can be better. -SRT CSM Steve 1T79 | -SM Steve 1B79 You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  2. +Support Amazing guy Great application Would make a great addition to the team
  3. Also the person who made this was blacklisted and admitted to just wanting to get Ramon in trouble
  4. -Support Lack of evidence You can't leave the training room as a cadet
  5. Ghostly, I thank you for serving our glorious country, as well as those within our community, who have been deployed into the fields. I thank all those of the wounded, fallen, and healed veterans of our country. I thank the Marines, the Air Force, the National Guard, the Army, the Navy, the Coast Guard, and all those serving in the lower branches of Law Enforcement and the Government, risking their lives for the protection of our country. Thank you all for serving, risking, and giving yourself to the United States of America. God bless you all.
  6. He also makes sure to keep in check of his nice and expensive things to make sure nothing is outdated
  7. -Support You caused tons of problems whilst on the server The fact that Fame banned you means you did a lot more than I saw You don't deserve to be unbanned
  8. Noted. I will alert Bambob/Matthew
  9. S.R.T Accepted Applications/Denied Applications If your name is provided on the list below, congratulations! Your application was reviewed and approved by S.R.T Command! S.R.T Accepted Applicants: Cole B Kuno Apis If you have been accepted and your name is on the list above, please contact an S.R.T Field Training Officer (FTO) for proper S.R.T training! You have 14 days (2 weeks) to be trained properly! If you do not receive training within that time, you will be denied and removed from S.R.T. This means you will have to apply again! S.R.T Denied Applicants: Adim - No effort was shown in the application If you were denied, this means you, unfortunately, did not seem fit for S.R.T. All applications are carefully reviewed by S.R.T Command and we will only choose the best-fit people! If you were denied, or have seen your name on the list above, this means you were denied! Please wait until 06/08/2019 to apply for S.R.T again! -SRT CSM Steve 1T79
  10. +Support I only talked to you once Chimp. That was all I needed. You've shown amazing dedication to the Gaminglight community and I wish you luck in your future endeavors with staff and your girlfriend. Amazing staff member and should deffinetley get Senior Moderator. -PoliceRP Senior Admin Steve
  11. You aren't supposed to. Other staff members take the sits, it isnt his job to take sits when he does an event. Activity isnt the only thing that is needed, as I dont think you guys understand the levels of maturity work that people on the event teams do. Event teams aren't easy, and hosting events are just like being staff, making the server a fun and enjoyable place to RP and have fun. +Support
  12. +Support Always on Amazing Friend Command Expierience in MilitaryRP Trains cadets a ton Spends too much on shoes and has too many nice things
  13. +Support Bubba should know not to warn off duty
  14. Your In-game: SRT SSGT Steve 1S79 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 The player's name in-game: Drunk Driver Harry The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:32460835 What did the player do: 58 warns, Cop baiting, RDMing, and more Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/2a3a1d297825238f1c1333e66a73bf2a What do you believe should happen to the player: Permanent Minge/Ban Any extra information: Literally told me and showed me he was smoking weed while breaking rules
  15. Dispatch didn't say to move in, he said to lock it down, so the dispatch is fine.
  16. Actually, I could've given him a personal PT, as I'm a PD SM.
  17. -Support Be nice to know that you lied about what I said. Never once have I sworn in-game before. Never once did I show any kind of toxicity towards you. Igneous was right there when I told you twice to leave the bank. I told you not to move into the bank, and you failed to listen. Dispatch ordered you to lock down the bank, in which I said that was fine, but if a tactical unit is to tell you to move out, then you move out. I did not say how I "dictated" the server rules, Connor brought you to a roof and I went to him to explain what you did wrong and what the Police Department guidelines are for bank robberies. After I tried to tell you to next time not to move into the bank if told not to, in which I may add, Calamity said to not move in even before me. After the raid was code 4, you announced over the radio saying "Steve, will you shut up?". I am not going to sit there and allow you to not only disrespect me as a staff member, but also a government official. I actually said I wasn't even going to warn you, as Connor requested I demoted you down to only OFC. With you moving into bank twice after told not to 3 times, plus the disrespect of an officer, it was lucky it was only 1 rank. However, you made it quite worse after you LTAPed during myself speaking to you, as well as when I moved you into a room to speak to me, you said, "I don't care, I just made a staff report on you". There has been ONE other instance of a staff report on me, that was on October 14th of 2018. That was also a false staff report. I did my best to explain your punishment and the server rules, in which you decide to now lie in this report, leave when I was explaining the SOP of your Department for moving into the bank, and continue to not give one care towards myself when I went to talk to you even further in TS3. Honestly Froggie, you got demoted 2 ranks down now for LTAP, Disrespect of a Government Official/Staff Member, and Failure to follow orders by tactical units x 3. So thank you for making this report on me, and allowing your opinion to be shared here on this report. This is not sarcasm either, as I appreciate you feeling I did something wrong, in which I never brought my rank into this, because I just said as a staff member of the server, I am to uphold the rules and keep this server as friendly as possible, as well as make the RP experience the best I can for all. I must add that Igneous saw everything that happened as well. Thank you. -PoliceRP Senior Admin Steve/SRT SSGT Steve 1R79
  18. +Support Very fluent in rules Very mature Very active Deserves forum diplomat
  19. Don't start an argument Alton. Either leave your opinion on this report or do not comment.
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