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Everything posted by Phil

  1. This been a banger for me but anything from T R A S H specially the burgos I'd recommend
  2. I choose both, get yo money up not yo funny up son
  3. Phil

    Phil's LOA

    Name: Phil Rank: Deputy Director/ HRT&DEA Overseer LOA Time: 3/28/21 - 4/5/21 Reason (Private if needed): taking a week break from gmod to spend more time with family(odd hours i play being in a different timezone makes we neglect the family sometimes xD)
  4. Been around the community long enough to enjoy both, I've reached goals I never thought I would've made when I first joined the server made it as a Deputy director in my fav dept and also management in my fav criminal family and #2 top donator to think I was some mingey kid causing staff issues constantly Not that the mingey part has changed
  5. -support for blacklisted members, people who get blacklisted aren't blacklisted for any small reason by smt hence why "blacklists aren't appealable" don't need to hear the other side of that really
  6. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1891964020 Old stakeout room from truenorth
  7. Phil

    Spoon's LOA

    Noted on rosters, see you when you come back!
  8. sorry but warns older than 3months are connsidered valid warns and aren't appealabe -support
  9. Ima be lazy and quote rookie Also while it might be a valk ban you confirmed it to be legitimate and its from 2017 so -/+ support
  10. Oh hells yeah thats what I like to see
  11. +support Warning admin said its false
  12. I'm sorry but any and all iterations of the word aren't acceptable on Gaminglight regardless of racial background -support
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