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Posts posted by Blitzton

  1. I'm thankful for a lot of things in my life.. I'm thankful for my loving family, I'm thankful for all the close friends I have that support me whenever I'm depressed, whenever I'm feeling down, I'm thankful for all the gifts I have in my life- I'm thankful for all the fucked up experiences that molded me into the person that I am, I'm thankful for my members of SRT and for my position as Commander of this lovely department, I'm thankful for the current SMT team as I couldn't ask them to be any more approachable and hard working. 

    Some shoutouts to the most important people on the server: 

    @Friendly Steve - Broski, I've watched you come up from a Trial Moderator, I watched you climb the ranks of SRT, and I could not be any prouder of you. You're so unbelievably easy to approach, your friendly nature draws people in, and your work ethic is off the charts. Everyone on this server, or others really needs to give you credit for the amount of work you put into PoliceRP. That being said, can you send me a barrel of maple syrup milked from your finest Igloo raised Polar bear?
    @Matthew - God there's so much I'd want to say about you that I would MEAN as a joke but no one would understand, and I'd get blacklisted. I'm proud of you too mate, you shot up through the ranks faster than a greased pig in a waterslide that just got branded, but you deserved every rank. I miss you as my SRT Commander, and I wish you could've stayed for months on end, but that damned rule had to come into play. I'm glad you trusted me enough to take the reigns after your Resignation, and I'm happy to be able to call you friend. Thanks for listening to my rants, and assisting me in taking over the department. (I'm up to #10 btw).


    ^^(Yes I know I'm not supposed to tag them, but I mean c'mon, we're being thankful here. I'm sure they don't mind.)^^

    @Hannah King - 11 more days! God I miss you, you're like a sister to me I swear. You've been there for me in almost all of my darkest hours, and have done nothing but support me and build me up in each scenario. I can't believe our friendship started by you repeatedly stabbing me with a knife over and over, this world works in strange ways. So really, thank you for your friendship, your caring nature, and your undying will to support me in anything I do. 

    @Ronin - Stop putting me in those damn cages! Nah but really Ronin, I love ya. You're a great person, your personality as well is caring and compassionate. We both have our differences from time to time, but no true friendship is without it's faults. I'm glad we've been able to talk to each other, and I thank you as well for all of the support you've given me. Calling you friend is a joyous thing! Thank you for your work ethic, your kind words, and all of those bears you send me 🙂

    @[GL] Mikey - Bro, thank you for all the help you've given me in SRT. I'm happy to say that I made the right decision in bringing you up to High Command, as you've proven to be a valuable member of this team. We may not always see eye to eye, but I almost always trust your judgement, and consider every suggestion and note that you and the rest of SRT says.

    @Jeffe -  You're a fat meme! But really, I miss you in SRT, and I miss working with you. However, I'm still grateful that I get to spend time with you and Kruggy boi in Destiny 2 chewing ass and kicking gum. All the stories you've told, all the hilarious moments you've shared, everything I'm grateful for. 

    @[GL] #BeHappy - Come back damn it! I miss messing around with you in game. You're charm is unbelievable, and the amount of dumb situations you get us into made me entertained for an eternity. 

    @Miss Demeanor - Now where do I start with you? I know we've only recently started hanging out with eachother but I'm glad we have been! You're really chill, and share the same kind of dumb humor as me. I'm thankful for the nights we've spent hanging out and playing Minecraft, and I'm excited to spend more time there, even if you are better at building than me! 

    - Speaking of SRT, To all of you that work in SRT, have worked in SRT, or wish to work in SRT, thank you all for your service. I've been apart of the SRT Community on and off since August 4th, 2018. I've seen this department grow, die, and grow again. Each time we get knocked down, we get a little bit stronger. You're all like a family to me, and I hope you feel the same way with me. I've been trying to bridge the gap between member and Commander, whilst still keeping the professionalism of the Chain of Command. I'd like to pride us on being an almost purely democratic department. Of course I sometimes have to make decisions for myself, but almost always the decisions made regarding the department are made by you guys through all of the votes, and suggestions you guys have made. I'm glad to be in Command of each and every single on of you, and I hope I can remain Commander until I leave for College. We've got just under 2 years 🙂

    I'm sorry if I didn't put your name but I didn't want to type an entire novel! Just ask if you wanna be included and we'll see 😉


    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving to all of you in America, and to everyone else in the rest of the world! Have a wonderful holiday everyone.


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  2.  S.R.T. Accepted / Denied Applications

    If your name is provided on the list below, congratulations! Your application was reviewed and approved by S.R.T Command!

    S.R.T Accepted Applicants:

    Tayson Terry: Welcome to SRT, I'm excited to see how you do!


    If you have been accepted and your name is on the list above, please contact an S.R.T Field Training Officer (FTO) for proper S.R.T training! You have 14 days (12/12/19) to be trained properly! If you do not receive training within that time frame, you will be denied and removed from S.R.T. 

    If your name is NOT on this list, this means you, unfortunately, did not seem fit for S.R.T and your application has been denied. All applications are carefully reviewed by S.R.T Command and we will only choose the best-fit people!

    Please wait until 12/05/2019 to apply for S.R.T again! 

    If you have any further questions as to why you are denied, you may come speak to the Commander regarding the issue.

    - SRT CMDR Blitzton 1K67

    PS: If you are currently apart of another tactical branch you MUST put up a 48 Hour Notice within the next week unless you will be removed from our lists!

  3. 8 hours ago, Ryan The Epic Guy said:

    can't wait to have people who will notjoin srt! ARU and SWAT are dead over their opness

    SRT has a similar member count to SWAT, we dropped 6 members over this weekend to 18 as it says in my response. SRT Is not the cause of all the servers issues. But we are trying to mediate the lack of applicants into other departments.

  4. You know you could just come to me with suggestions right? SMT can force me to nerf the department, but I’d like to tell you nerfs have already been underway and I’ve already been trying to get in contact with Friendly Steve about them. Whilst I can’t really give you too much hope on our speed being reduced as that’s more of an issue with our SWEP I can say that the armor situation will be adjusted, and the strength of our weapons choices will be decreased to better match the balance of Crim Vs. Gov’t. Especially with the new basing rules I can agree with you that it’s time we tone down a bit. 


    Now please allow me to point out some key points

    - SRT’s member count has been reduced from 24 to 18 over this weekend alone

    - Traffic stops whilst they may be performed by SRT are rarely ever done, as we’re typically responding to another situation, or are keeping ourselves free in the event that a situation pops up. However, I will consider the nature of this rule and speak to my members about it. SRT is run on a democracy vote when making decisions like this, so their decision will be their final verdict.

    - SRT as a department is supposed to be smaller, but much more highly armed and armored unit with less people than other departments. I’ve been trying to restore this idea to further help the situation. 

    - Going off of what Calamity said, I’ve seen a group of SWAT joining SRT or even department hopping. High Command of both departments have been trying to crack down on this issue, and if necessary applicants from SWAT can be prohibited via Commander Freeze’s orders.

    - I’d also like to ask for forgiveness for getting carried away in our recent update. Since the addition of certain departments all Tacticals have been struggling to gain more members, and I got caught up in the fight to be the most appealing.

    - I like to pride SRT on having the fewest amount of exceptions in any regard, current members or joining members. For example, any “transfers” are considered only for PFC as that is the first rank after the PVT trial period, even Commanders of other departments would be given the same treatment. This was done to reduce the amount of transfers, and to keep the member count low. 

    - SRT’s Parkour SWEP, (not climb SWEP) keeps us from climbing skyscrapers, and we can’t get nearly as high as we used to. We sacrificed that ability for the increased speed and higher jump, something that is meant to be unique to SRT. The SWEP idea for SRT was even introduced by Zeeptin, so you’d have to convince him to have it removed, which is plausible.

    - Despite all of this, SRT will be nerfed eventually. Armor will be reduced, Consistent but weaker firearms will be distributed, and our speed will be discussed.


    So, @jaytheman please rest easy in knowing that operations are underway to attempt restoration of balance in the server, and I’d love to have any of you involved in this post to private message me some suggestions. Nothing is for certain, but constructive opinions are always appreciated. 

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  5.  S.R.T. Accepted Denied Applications

    If your name is provided on the list below, congratulations! Your application was reviewed and approved by S.R.T Command!

    S.R.T Accepted Applicants:

    Dondi: Got a lot of recommendations for you! I expect good things 🙂 No pressure.


    If you have been accepted and your name is on the list above, please contact an S.R.T Field Training Officer (FTO) for proper S.R.T training! You have 14 days (12/06/19) to be trained properly! If you do not receive training within that time frame, you will be denied and removed from S.R.T. 

    If your name is NOT on this list, this means you, unfortunately, did not seem fit for S.R.T and your application has been denied. All applications are carefully reviewed by S.R.T Command and we will only choose the best-fit people!

    Please wait until 11/29/2019 to apply for S.R.T again! 

    If you have any further questions as to why you are denied, you may come speak to the Commander regarding the issue.

    - SRT CMDR Blitzton 1K67

    PS: If you are currently apart of another tactical branch you MUST put up a 48 Hour Notice within the next week unless you will be removed from our lists!

  6. + Support!

    - Where to start, Activity

    - Address issues with proper attention

    - Assists all of his officers below and above him

    - Was one hell of an SRT member

    - Well crafted application

    - Has the time and experience to back up his App.

    Good luck Revan, you have my support

  7. On 11/19/2019 at 8:47 AM, Calamity said:

    There was a reason why those playermodels were removed. Those playermodel packs were massive in size. SMT changed all of the playermodels into some better low size playermodels to help the server run better. So regarding ARU I am just going to say the same thing. 


    So I say a massive no to this, if you guys get your playermodels back. Every other department would complain about the same thing. In all honestly there is nothing wrong with the ARU playermodels. They are fine, other departments have it way worse. 

    Those models are still in the server, as they are the SWAT Commander and CoCommander.

  8. - SRT ROLL CALL -

    It has come to my attention recently that a select few members of SRT have found themselves in a position where they may or may not belong within our Ranks any longer.

    I've also found that with the state of SRT's powerful jobs, we have quite a few too many members for any of this to be balanced, so I'm performing a Roll Call to weed out the members who may no longer care.

    ALL SRT MEMBERS (Excluding Myself) are required to fill out this Roll Call by 6 P.M. EASTERN STANDARD TIME Saturday.

    Failure to do so will result in an immediate removal.

    All active duty SRT members must reply with their:




    Activity: (Reply to this section using a scale of 1-4, I'm not asking for paragraphs, just a number, be honest).

    Any Members currently on LOA are not required to respond.


  9. What you want to see? - A rule stating that any new custom classes may not copy the models of existing jobs within the server.

    Why should we add it? - It allows every job to ensure that it is in fact, unique. Custom jobs are meant to be personal, when people are allowed to copy the looks of others already in the server it removes that feeling of prestige and overall uniqueness of the class. This can go for gov’t classes as well, as having the same skin as say an SRT member could potentially cause confusion.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Increased uniqueness of classes, and less confusion overall on who’s who.

    Who is it mainly for? - Criminal and Gov’t Custom Classes 

    Links to any content - N/A

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  10. + Support

    Although I believe the pack was removed because of, “lag” related reasons. I would suffer an extra frame to see these come back though ( I don’t think they actually lagged anything that extra frame part was more of a joke, don’t take what I say literally). But really, please bring these back? ARU needs some distinguishable looks.

  11. +/- Support

    - Honestly I hated typing that. Well I guess I can only say what the others have said, just gotta hold on for a little bit longer then reapply, then I’m sure no one would have any issues at all with you becoming Lieutenant. 

    That being said, best of luck Danny. Time or not you’re a good candidate. 🙂

  12. - Support

    - I know it’s been said a hundred times, but ARU doesn’t = PD time, even though I believe that’s how they wanted it to be set up originally.

    - Ex-Member/Founder of two department wide blacklisted families.

    - Again, the text screens. I see them EVERYWHERE, advertising your department is fine, but blocking other signs of other departments is ridiculous. 

    - Whilst I know that report against you wasn’t entirely justified, it did show a side of you that wouldn’t be so fit for PD Command. 

    - Others may not have seen this, but I also recall seeing an argumentative side of you something that didn’t even exist. It was immature, disrespectful, and frankly obnoxious to be yelled at over an authoritative rule that wasn’t even there. Feel free to ask me to describe this event if you need me too, but I think you know what I’m talking about.

    Hope for the best, expect the worst. Good luck Sergeant Major.

  13. +/- Support

    With the significant power advantage Gov’t has over Criminals, I believe it’s only fair that they’re allowed these halls.


    Allow me to provide an alternative, make a rule where fading doors must be clearly visible and easy to determine. I.E. no small blocks, posts, same colored/materialized walls, etc.


  14.  S.R.T. Accepted / Denied Applications

    If your name is provided on the list below, congratulations! Your application was reviewed and approved by S.R.T Command!

    S.R.T Accepted Applicants:

    Shmoopy: Welcome back to SRT man! Sorry you can't stalk me anymore. 😉

    Sull: Welcome to the team Sull! I need you to send me the link to your forums account again as the one in your app was wrong. It's a simple fix. 🙂


    If you have been accepted and your name is on the list above, please contact an S.R.T Field Training Officer (FTO) for proper S.R.T training! You have 14 days (11/20/19) to be trained properly! If you do not receive training within that time frame, you will be denied and removed from S.R.T. 

    If your name is NOT on this list, this means you, unfortunately, did not seem fit for S.R.T and your application has been denied. All applications are carefully reviewed by S.R.T Command and we will only choose the best-fit people!

    Please wait until 11/13/2019 to apply for S.R.T again! 

    If you have any further questions as to why you are denied, you may come speak to the Commander regarding the issue.

    - SRT CMDR Blitzton 1K67

    PS: If you are currently apart of another tactical branch you MUST put up a 48 Hour Notice within the next week unless you will be removed from our lists!

  15. Noted, not an inconvenience at all! Please take as much as you need, and don’t be scared to tell me if you need an LOA extension or early dismissal. 

  16. Noted.. it's always a hard time to see an SRT member leave, I hope you find a good home and family in SWAT! Always remember we're here for you if for one reason or another things don't work out the way you want them too 🙂

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