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Posts posted by Blitzton

  1. God I’m gonna be the bad guy in this... oh well

    -Sadly I have to say


    As neat of an idea as this could be, I -

    1. Don’t even know if this is possible

    2. Disagree on your arguement on it taking, “less time” as a bullet to the head is faster than a menu screen

    3. Believe that this could be abused, assuming that the mod has no ability to set limitations

    4. Realize that it would be extremely difficult to go in and change every single jobs accessibility to the vendor, as to avoid citizens with gas grenades

    5. Realize that this is a Semi-Rp server, and I believe that a quick reset is sufficient

    As a side note, even if there was no menu and it was just, “press e to gear up,” then it would be extremely difficult to get it balanced in terms of what jobs can use the vendor, what they can get out of it, and how much money each item would cost. Personally I think the idea is sound, but not fleshed out enough, and could cause more problems than it could solve.

  2. As much as I hate to say it

    - Support

    This would come with so many issues, examples being

    - Customizations would Most Likely initiate more lag than there already is

    - Every. Single. Job. would have to be entirely reworked, reupdated, balanced, and changed to fit the new weapons. It's hard to give new guns to departments and CCs as it is

    -  This would pose an entirely new, untouched set of balance issues


  3. Is this a joke? If so, it’s not funny. You need to be a Sergeant Plus in SWAT, then you can apply through our application forum under the informational tab. 

  4. +Support

    - Has gotten more and more Active

    - Has fought his way through SRT and proven himself to us

    - Well known and Dedicated member of GL AND the PD

    - Easy to approach with matters

    - Has had a past of being Mingey, But has improved significantly

    - Can act immature at times, but can't we all?

    Good luck Death, just don't forget about SRT if you make PD Low Command 

    - SRT TL Blitzton F67



    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Shmoopy_boop said:

    Wingman>anything dont @ me


    Buddy.. buddy... Lstar, or the Mozambique. Also you better not use tone or Ima beam you as Ion

    12 minutes ago, Shmoopy_boop said:

    Wingman>anything dont @ me


    Youre right btw it was Kuben, also if your confused on what I said let me clarify. My origin is Blitzton23, not just Blitzton. So add that if you havent

  6. 15 minutes ago, Shmoopy_boop said:

    Kuben Blisk ?


    also i have your origin now lets play apex or TF2 sometime

    My origin has numbers in it, I guess I couldn’t get just “Blitzton”. Try Blitzton23. And yeah I’ll stomp you with the “Mozam-weak” ALL DAY

  7. Take care of yourself Hannah. Message me on discord if you need, and just know that we’re all already anxiouly waiting and excited for your return!

    - SRT SGM Blitzton F67



    - Active

    - Friendly/Easy to Approach

    - Cares about the PD and other departments

    - Manages lower ranks exceptionally well

    - Good Application

    - Has shown sheer dedication and Heart towards PD

    Good luck Chad, when this post gets moved in the next couple of weeks I hope it gets a big fat Accepted plastered onto it!

    - SRT SGM Blitzton F67

    • Like 1
  9. I remember when we did this lol. We had organized a money silo, and two general stores running all at once. It’s amazing no one could find the silo. I guess we hid it REALLY WELL 

    • Laughing 1
  10. It's an old map that they're going to customize to make it unique to gaminglight alone. So, eventually it will be new. I'm thinking of rejoining now that this map is back though, I was furious when we left it.

  11. Phil I went through the fear and hell that was Hurricane Florence, but a flooding like that is still hard to comprehend. I'm sure you already have but place any valuables upstairs, turn off all the electricity, unplug everything electric and place it upstairs as well, and check the house when you get back for any sort of water damage. Check for dark spots in the walls that weren't there before, drooping ceilings, and for water in light bulb "domes"/cases/whatever you want to call them. But above all else, stay safe brother. The things in your house are mostly replaceable, but your life you can never get back.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  12. Most practices within policeRP are of the same procedure but are not carried out the same way. For example, a Tactical Team breach such as SRT and SWAT will consist of a stacked line, and a breacher broken off from their line to bust down the door. This is a common practice in real life where the team falls in after the breach. Now where the game differs from reality is when common civialians jump around and dive corners with a 460 mm round 7.6 kilogram Negev. Hope that answers part of your question.

  13. I'm sad to see you go Squishy, you along with Duv were some of the most free-minded people in the department. You never failed to say what came to mind, no matter how others would feel about it, and I respect that, and I respect you. Please keep in touch with us and try to keep building yourself outside of SRT. Best of wishes, Blitzton.

  14. I never thought I'd see this day come.. Duv, it truly hurts me to see you go for you simply were just one of the most amazing people in the department. You were never afraid to speak your mind, no matter if command would like it or not. You always brought up new ideas full fledged, and was always willing to help where help was due. I am, whether you believe it or not, truly sad that I won't see you in the new department. Please keep in touch with us, best wishes, Blitzton

    • Like 1
  15. First of all I would like to give a huge congratulations to Zeeptin on graduating for college, I hope your ready to take the next step in your life. Second of all, if you guys have suggestions please make suggestion forms and he along with SMT will view them, no need to put it here.

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