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Posts posted by Blitzton

  1. S.R.T. Accepted / Denied Applications

    If your name is provided on the list below, congratulations! Your application was reviewed and approved by S.R.T Command!

    S.R.T Accepted Applicants:

    Torty - Welcome back to SRT! I had a serious chuckle reading that Application. Sorry it took so long to accept as well, I was on Vacation 😉

    If you have been accepted and your name is on the list above, please contact an S.R.T Field Training Officer (FTO) for proper S.R.T training! You have 14 days (01/13/20) to be trained properly! If you do not receive training within that time frame, you will be denied and removed from S.R.T. 

    If your name is NOT on this list, this means you, unfortunately, did not seem fit for S.R.T and your application has been denied. All applications are carefully reviewed by S.R.T Command and we will only choose the best-fit people!

    Please wait until 01/06/2019 to apply for S.R.T again! 

    If you have any further questions as to why you are denied, you may come speak to the Commander regarding the issue.

    - SRT CMDR Blitzton 1K67

    PS: If you are currently apart of another tactical branch you MUST put up a 48 Hour Notice within the next week unless you will be removed from our lists!

  2. - Support

    3 minutes ago, ViperKimg said:


    -Highway map was really small and you run out of things to do very quickly. I wouldn't mind a map change, but if there is one, it needs to be the size of the Rockford we used before Truenorth or bigger. 


  3. S.R.T. Accepted / Denied Applications

    If your name is provided on the list below, congratulations! Your application was reviewed and approved by S.R.T Command!

    S.R.T Accepted Applicants:

    Jayden - Welcome to SRT, Hope you can find a home among us!

    If you have been accepted and your name is on the list above, please contact an S.R.T Field Training Officer (FTO) for proper S.R.T training! You have 14 days (01/01/20) to be trained properly! If you do not receive training within that time frame, you will be denied and removed from S.R.T. 

    If your name is NOT on this list, this means you, unfortunately, did not seem fit for S.R.T and your application has been denied. All applications are carefully reviewed by S.R.T Command and we will only choose the best-fit people!

    Please wait until 12/25/2019 to apply for S.R.T again! 

    If you have any further questions as to why you are denied, you may come speak to the Commander regarding the issue.

    - SRT CMDR Blitzton 1K67

    PS: If you are currently apart of another tactical branch you MUST put up a 48 Hour Notice within the next week unless you will be removed from our lists!

  4. My heritage is a mix of Netherlands and German, however I'm a bit more prideful of my German side, hence the "Blitz" deriving from the german word of "Lightning." A nickname I got from my speed when playing Lacrosse. The "ton" simply comes from me wanting some originality, I've seen hundreds of "Blitz"s but not a single "Blitzton"


    1 hour ago, Matthew said:

    OMG a oNlinE nAmE GeNeRaToR???? 🤣

    At least its original MATTHEW


  5. - Support

    • A robber isn’t going to notify everyone of his location, it’s just downright silly to think so. It’s amazing we have the information to even know that there is a robbery going on in the first place.
    • With this feature, no one would have to communicate location, it would be boring, and it would take away from the fun of working together towards a common goal.
    • It makes things far more tense for the robbers, as they can attempt to hide, or can have just a slight bit more time for them to grab their money and go.

    Love ya Torty, just can’t support you on this.

  6. I’m going to stay neutral, but I would hate to not bring up the fact that the MCU has more than one name for that abbreviation. “Mobile Command Unit” is plastered on the side of the skin used by SRT, and its used as a forwards Ops. Base. I wouldn’t cry over spilled milk though, if it’s removed it’s removed, if not, it makes no difference. 


    Best set of luck getting this accepted, just wanted to put that in there.

  7. Mass Causality unit? Whenever people say MCU I’m fairly certain they’re speaking of the large “Mobile Command Unit” plastered along the side. I don’t think I need to go into detail as to why that would be a justifiable reason for SRT to hold that vehicle in our inventory. It’s an operations center for our units, and is rarely ever used. As a reminder, it’s only available to the Co Commander and Commander of SRT, further restricting its use time. 


    Love ya Ender. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, iReplacinq said:

    Pretty sure I got video of UMC starting the so called “shootout”. Would be hard to blacklist them, their manager is your Co-Commander. I bet you saw at least one UMC member in the shootout. And I’m 100% sure that everyone can agree that Lil Chum was the person to make the shootout a shootout. Chum was minging around and you can ask MiKeY then Chum started shouting at hella people and kept coming back (he got warned for it and now he got reported for exceeding the warm threshold). And when my people joined in was when the PD decided to kill everyone in the area and my family was in the crossfire. The whole perimeter of the shootout was spawn to about SS parking lot it was hectic and you know we weren’t the only people who were there. 


    Edit: Shooting not shouting 

    Yes however, the UMC members stopped after being asked to by Botha staff and their Lvl 10 Commander, or my Co-Commander, something that you didn’t even attempt to do with your family. Lil Chum was dealt with separately, and your family being caught in the crossfire CONTINUED to fire death after death after death. Stop trying to shift the blame on others, and accuse them in a post about this specific family. 

  9. 6 hours ago, iReplacinq said:

    Did as you pleased Blitzton, Valentino has disbanded.

    I did this for the people, not myself.


    I didnt do as I pleased, I'm not a god. I did what my job as Commander called for, and insured the safety of my department. I never asked for you to disband, but you have done so neither to my disdain or my pleasure. I would like to inform you that all members names have been written down, and as I said in my previous post specific ones will be excluded from this blacklist and will be contacted. The remaining names will stay until good conduct has been demonstrated, at which they may be appealed by SRT Low and High Command.

  10. !Tomorrow when I get a chance I will be reviewing each individual members of this family and excluding a few from the blacklist. They will be quoted or privately messaged. I realize that not all members were partaking in some of instances that caused this blacklist, and it would be unfair to punish them. Those few will be updated tomorrow.


    As for other departments following in SRTs footsteps on this decision, I highly ask that you think about it for yourself and for your department specifically. 

  11. image.png.d2645a3079c19a4697316853778534f8.png


    It has come to a point where SRT High Command has felt it necessary to exercise our right to blacklist a criminal family.

    From this point, any and all VALENTINO Members are hereby Blacklisted from SRT. Any SRT Members found with ANY Affiliation with the organization will be punished accordingly.


    *If you are a member of VALENTINO and wish to join SRT, you must officially leave the family upon acceptance, at that point we would be happy to bring you in*

    *If you are a current member of SRT within or have ANY affiliation with VALENTINO, you must leave the Organization by 9 P.M. EST Tomorrow.*

    If the above rules are not followed, any SRT member or applicant for SRT will face severe punishment from High Command

    Note that SRT High Command has not made this decision out of Bias, out of Spite, or even because of any personal feuds between any other criminal families. We have merely come to this decision in light of recent events, rule breaks, and or crimes committed by the family.

    If any current members of SRT feel as if this Blacklist is unfair, unjust, or biased, please come speak with SRT High Command IMMEDIATELY.

  12. Alright I’m not gonna steal Freezes Comment.

    Biiiiiig - Support

    - You’d have to find Commanders, as well as departments take a LOT of dedication to run. It’s not simply smack them in and they work, it’s a whole hell of work that people would need to be seriously interested in to do.

    - You’d have to have the department specialize in something unique compared to the rest, which, this idea doesn’t detail anything of the sort.

    - The server is already going through huge imbalance issues and needs time before anything new can be added.

    - Again, there’s just no detail to this. There’s not NEARLY enough of an idea here to even create anything more than a name. Would it be under Pd jurisdiction, state jurisdiction, would it be Tactical, how would this effect other departments, what cars would you have, how many people do you plan on having, meeting times, jobs, weapons, armor, equipment sops, applications, reports etc. The list just goes on and on.


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