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Posts posted by Blitzton

  1. 1. Its a department meant to appeal to our United Kingdom brethren.

    2. CAT is not a full-tactical unit, they’re semi tactical as their main priority is NOT high-risk situations not involving the president, Secret Service, and other CAT members. (Bank raids, hostage situations, general stores).

    3. You forgot CERT, however it will be re-removed soon.

    4. There was already a fully fledged and detailed suggestion for a PD investigational sub-division that got denied.

    5. If you wish to convey your opinion in a more professional matter that will be taken MUCH more seriously, create a suggestion. Nothing will come out of a post like this but trouble.

    6. Enjoy your stay at Gaminglight ?




  2. +Support

    - Friendly

    - Active

    - Great Supervisor

    - Mature

    - Assists all of PD and benefits the department greatly

    - Always willing to talk about any issues that arise

    - Was a damn good SRT Supervisor

    - Has been Major for over a month

    - Has shown pure dedication for PD

    Good luck Tom! I’m still sad you left SRT but I’m happy for you. You’ve shown your integrity and dedication and molded the PD into something great, just never forget where you’ve been while you’re wondering where you will be.

    - SRT COCMDR Blitzton 1K67


    • Like 1
  3. +Support

    - Active

    - Extremely Friendly

    - Supports the PD as a department

    - Mature

    - Easy to approach with Issues 

    - Well known and liked with SRT (even though he’s not apart of it but totally should apply with a serious application)

    - Shows utmost dedication and integrity within PD

    - Well crafted Application

        - Good luck Chad, you deserve this! -



    • Thanks 1
  4. A8Y2Vbjl9wOleY4dXWE_g09FpsVc3hl65zX0sLpqgEq-jB1SlOsIQyoOBAvU64sT5AKaKLXHP8GOHyKG8w89vW-w0DxRCpnxYnYw-vAQwDeplK0HJaa0KXt6Bv8RZZJnHGIk709X

    - As of 12/7/2018 the listed members are now official SRT Recruits -





    Speak to an FTO by 12/15/2018 to be trained or you will be removed. If you are in SWAT/CERT you MUST post a leaving notice.

    The Following have been denied, do not be discouraged, you may re-apply within 1 week from today.

    Smoke - (To many Recent Warns)

    Umm Ok - (Failure to Provide Proof of Warns)

    Gibbi - (Failure to Provide Proof of Warns)

    Nick Savage - (Failure to Provide Proof of Warns)

    Chad - (Un-serious/immature Application)

    If you wish to ask any further questions on your denial you may come to me, or any of SRT's High Command. Please present yourself in a respectful mature manner if doing so.



  5. Well of any of you have questions on SRTs rules or juristictions you can ask me.

    Now for this scenario specifically SRT have full right to spike depending on the reason for the pull-over. If you had been speeding, recklessly driving, wanted or under suspicion of a felony then you would be considered code Amber, allowing for Pits and Spikes. 

    Now if you ever have an issue or feel something has been done wrong with one of SRTs members we have a report form on our forums, just make sure to bring evodence.

    - SRT CoCommander Blitzton 1K67

  6. 2 minutes ago, sour_doritos said:


    Well said, no disagreement at all. CERT is a great sub-department and it is just being discarded from the server. I played over three months in State alone and I just got into CERT and now it is just getting removed. My question is just why? Why doesn't the community have any say? Why do we have such little to do with the server although some of us have been on the server for over a year. Overall i'm just not behind the addition of ARU and the removal of CERT. I also feel that now State will now be meaningless, and that State will be the "outskirts pd" without our own sub-division of CERT. Now reread that last sentence please, we had two departments removed due to inactivity and I feel that will unfortunately happen to State as well. Overall i'm quite bothered about this change and if it does get completely abolished than I will have to leave the community for good, yea I know most of you probably don't care because what am I worth to the server, but I really hope all of this negativity towards ARU convinces SMT to not go through with their decision.

    +Support ^^^^

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