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Everything posted by HiddenShantu

  1. -Support Never seen in game Im in the same timezone so thats not the problem Improve activity, and good luck!
  2. thats not true. You can apply for any rank (besides manager and owner) after youve been the rank before for 30 days.
  3. -Support You are quite inactive, havent seen you on in a long time
  4. +Support -Active in game -Active on forums -Great staff on crix -Great guy
  5. -support I dont see a problem with it, also about them pressing the wrong button, you could just battering ram the door not push the button lol.
  6. You can apply for a position, its not just in meetings
  7. Its about time dawgy
  8. +Support -AMAZING staff on crix. I thought she was SA when she was mod. -Active -Mature Good luck!
  9. -/+ Support +Good guy +Active -Hardly any effort, didn't even meet the minimum. -Not very active on forums
  10. -Support -VERY Immature -Very high warns -Forums inactive However, I dont think people should be -supporting because you have no experience, how are you sussposed to get any without applying? But good luck overall.
  11. Accepted list 7/15: Razonix: Good application and reasons, welcome to the family! Contact me in game when you see me. Denied: Lucky: No effort, bad app
  12. +Support -Forums account is very new +Active in game +Good guy +Effort +Great staff on CrixRP
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