What you want to see? - more specified copbait rules ASAP
Why should we add it? - I don’t think people know the definition of ACTUAL copbait vs interacting with police when you have RP REASONING, some staff say they don’t care it’s copbait. So can we interact with the police for rp reasons or is interaction with the police period copbait unless they interact with us. Main point is that, in MOTD it only says no copbait. What EXACTLY is copbait? And can criminals interact with police if they have RP reasoning
What are the advantages of having this? - clearing up confusion on copbait since some staff say it’s copbait to interact with police even if I have RP reasoning and it’s getting kind of frustrating because I want to commit crimes and not constantly get called a copbaiter
Who is it mainly for? - gov and staff that don’t know exactly know what copbait is
Links to any content - na