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Posts posted by BigJohnny

  1. On 9/18/2018 at 11:46 PM, Roxford VL said:

    It seemed like recently that I have got on and played, no VL was on, if they were they weren't on discord or off doing their own thing. I was bored on the server one time after kiki and some others were UMC doing robberies, I was looking for something to do and I ran into hazard and them. It was better than doing nothing and just walking around. 

    Join different families bro, VL is pretty much dead since our mighty leader broke his computer 

  2. 19 minutes ago, Chad B said:

    Sorry guys i was in class...

    I'm having a lot going on right now and Duramax was messing with me a few times and i just wasn't putting up with it i warned him for staff diss and had every right to but here is the thing Duramax made it clear to me it was a joke and he was just messing around and he apologized for his comments explaining it was a joke and he didn't mean any thing by it. We talked for a few minutes and cleared it all up. Hes a great guy and i respect him for keeping my personal stuff between us and apologizing for this reason i think the warn should be removed 


    warn should be removed ?

  3. 20 minutes ago, Vizz said:

    if he was punished he does not know who did it I asked him and who would minge someone for 1 hour for reaching 40 warns

    Also I think some of the warns are from mil rp and not police rp because of what previous people said 

  4. 3 hours ago, DiddleMcSkiddle said:

    1st video shows me adverting murder buddy

    2nd video shows me adverting murder

    3rd Video shows me adverting murder.

    Seriously how tf are people supporting this, literally IM ADVERTING MURDER, If i get a minge on this I swear. When you +support something, how about you look at everything before u jump to conclusions. IT WAS A COURT ROOM WITH LESS THAN 5 PEOPLE. I WOULD CONSIDER THAT A SECLUDED PLACE. Literally there was multiple staff on and you just wanted to make a big ass deal instead of being a mature person and reporting it ingame. Not to mention the multiple times he player disses me ingame which ironically he cut out of the videos ?



    Your doing it in public whic is against rules 

  5. 15 hours ago, Cole Phelps said:

    What you want to see? - The handling line on the Ford Explorer be fixed as it is way to sensitive at high speeds

    Why should we add it? - It would benifit all departments that use it and reduce response time because everyone will not be crashing into everything. At low speeds, the Explorer is a dream to drive, handles nice, tight turn radius, but as soon as you exceed 40-50MPH, it goes all crazy, and one slight tap of the ‘A’ or ‘D’ key and you are all over the road, I am unsure how to fix the handling, maybe needs to be toned down on speed, but it becomes uncontrollable around corners and making slight adjustments at high speeds. (EDIT) You could possibly replace the handling line with the Taurus, and if the Engine sound changes, that’s fine, as the Explorer has the same engine as the Ford Taurus (Just a Suggestion) 

    What are the advantages of having this? - Quicker response times, easier to drive

    Who is it mainly for? - Government officials that have access to the Explorer

    Links to any content - N/A

    Same with the GTR if you are going at a big speed and try to adjust yourself a little bit you instantly hit a wall 

  6. 3 hours ago, Rhenic said:

    I don’t really like the idea of a terrorist gun dealer. They should just be given a bomb (that can’t suicide bomb instantly preferably so that investigation units can actually track down the suspect and arrest them). The cool down I completely agree with. It should be REALLY long.

    I don’t like the idea of anyone running into a building and blowing everyone up it would be so annoying 

  7. 5 hours ago, Connortwos said:


    -Great Application

    -Active In game

    -Active in TS

    -Great Leader in EMS 

    -Extremely polite

    - Deserves A chance 

    -Past experience


    Overall I believe he deserves a chance. Good luck


  8. 7 hours ago, Injoker said:

    Yes but now there is no punishments for shootouts start over traffic tickets vs kidnappings you see? Shootouts will always happen, but now they start over misdemeanor traffic tickets vs felonies. 

    But there’s always people that get on the server to not RP. And want shootouts. And also most the time cops are the ones to open fire first or escalate things when if they knew how to use their words a situation would have ended. Like I’ll be walking down the street with a hostage and cops mob  me with p90’s  expecting to kill me before I kill the hostage. But I end up killing the hostage and half the police force. And it wouldn’t have happened if cops new how to use their words. Changing this rule won’t stop shootouts it will just annoy all the criminals that they have to sit in jail for 10 minutes after dying 

    On 9/17/2018 at 10:07 AM, Mervin said:

    Yes but there is this thing called fear rp and if it’s two cops vs 1 criminal they can’t shoot they gotta put there hands up or it’s fear rp

    So if 2 cops are pointing guns at me but I have a gun out I have to put my hands up even though I know I can kill them?

    7 hours ago, Cole Phelps said:

    Not nessicarily, you still spend 10 minutes with EMS

    In my opinion if anyone takes criminals it should be EMS sand the EMS lets us go. I’m pretty sure that’s how it is right now but no emS wants to actually roleplay taking people to the hospital due to the amount of calls.

  9. -support

    people were shooting therefore negotiations were off. and there were more than enough people to throw gas

    I dont think he should have gassed a hostage though. i guess there was no other option since you cant negotiate if people are just going to shoot at you.

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  10. 11 minutes ago, Jake Croft said:

    you got to under stand that you guys have negevs and aws and m249s that we cant get and they are op If we close range you will destroy all of us and gas is used to help us defend that I know how using like 6 gas for people this was a Issue a while go There Ways to fix it other than saying spawn no gas cause RP Tac units would have at least 3 Grenades Per Person with gas

    When we die from gas, and then tac units move in after we are all dead. What’s even the point in playing as crim lol

  11. 7 minutes ago, Injoker said:


    I think Nolan said it best yesterday. Ever since that rule was removed policerp is just consistent shootings. People will murder a cop for a traffic ticket. with absolutely no punishment that happens to the player.

    You shoot a cop - cop hits panic button - cop dies - you die to all the other cops - EMS is already on scene normally so you get revived within 20 seconds of death - You get to drive away and keep all the guns and Pd just has to ignore the fact you murdered someone 10 seconds ago because this NLR rule which isn’t really NLR to begin with 

    The rule used to be once you were revived by ems you had to comply if LEOs were present I’m assuming that part would stay so it wouldn’t be shootouts after reviving 

    There are shootouts have always been a thing lol. Now it just saves 10 minutes if our lives.

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