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Posts posted by BigJohnny

  1. On 9/7/2018 at 7:38 AM, [GL] Tom said:

    Ok so before I joined this server like 1 month ago I was EXTREMELY toxic but whilst switching from the old community I used to play in to GamingLight I realised that if I just be respectful to people you will get MUCH MUCH MUCH further... I REPEAT MUCH further and I wish I learnt this at a much younger age but that is another reason why PC gaming is so awesome. You meet so many different cultures, you meet people in bad situations in life and I personally have met many people who have felt like their life is worthless and meaningless but after all them Online experiences it made me the person I am today and if I wasn't in PC gaming right now I believe that I would be much different and I also believe that my school grades would be much lower because back in the day I used to be naughty in school and basically not care about being in school but in the past year I have grew the F up and realised that I am in my very last year of school and whatever grades I get will choose what jobs I can get. I genuinely believe if you become an Online gamer, be respectful and mature that you will go so far in life.

    @Finch Awesome post man, respect is VITAL in life and this is a good message to the users of the community ?


  2. On 9/8/2018 at 1:16 AM, penguin said:

    I think pd is a starting point for many people so the low ranks wont have same respect as say a srt pvt that had to be sgt+  also police dose not train for things like bank raids and general store so i believe the tac units that train for those things have a right to take command of the situation 


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