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Posts posted by BigJohnny

  1. On 9/18/2018 at 1:08 AM, Jeff Junior said:

    +/- support

    -You are pretty inactive in pd dosent see tou much on (mabey time)

    -Have been pd for super long time 

    -Good app 

    -Nice person and pretty low warns

    Other then that Bryce good luck the only thing i think u need to improve on is your activty on pd


  2. 28 minutes ago, ArmyGuy said:

    No gas limit, it's not gas abuse I'm honestly not going to comment t any more on this, you don't understand the armor nerf makes it, want me to value my life, so instead of course o never walked in front of the door with 2 AWPs and 2 SCARs, three would've killed them anyway most likely, I mainly did it to annoy my friends on there,.obviously Kiki you didn't enjoy it which I understand, but still literally.next time just get into a shootout in the street, or in a uncontrolleded situation so in that case gas wouldn't be allowed to be used. I say this because, obviously you never robbed the gen store for money, you just wanted to kill cops for your own fun and you got mad since I had used 6 mustard gas grenades.

    This isn't balanced lol.

  3. 2 hours ago, Logan said:

    - Support

    He was arrested and when they arrived at PD he went AFK so I tp'ed him to the jailer. As Ruinz said to put him in for X amount of years he just happened to crash at that time? I don't believe so.


  4. 25 minutes ago, ArmyGuy said:

    I wasn't moving in front of a door with 2 SCARs and 2 AWPs, I barely ever ever spam gas unless there's like 10 people robbing the bank, or unless it's for a meme/joke and to annoy people like Duramax, it's not my fault everyone's armor was nerfed, again I was not going to go in front of 2 AWPs and 2 SCARs, especially when there were only like 2-3 other tacs, either another SWAT or SRT on, including me 

    You should at least even be grateful of the current gas SOP, it used to be so you were able to gas at any time during any situation 

    There wasn’t even a fighting chance ?

  5. What you want to see? -  changes to gas 

    Why should we add it? -  we die before any shots are fired 

    What are the advantages of having this? - there can actually be a fight instead of 6 gasses getting launched into a general store killing everyone with gas before there are any shots fired at cops 

    Who is it mainly for? - criminals 

    Links to any content - does this look fair 

     skip to the end 

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  6. 4 hours ago, -Unknown- said:

    I have a gun dealer base, a PD killroom thing, a GL Logo and s GL badge/flag that are mostly the ones worth anything.

    Next time I see you in game can you show me the base 

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