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Posts posted by BigJohnny

  1. 12 hours ago, Felix said:

    Keep in mind that when your custom job is accepted and completed it wont be on the server. 

    The server will need to under go its scheduled 5am EST restart for it to be added 


  2. 10 hours ago, ArmyGuy said:

    I hope now, people'd look at this post and just copy and paste it, instead of having one person say, "lag command" and then the whole chat starts to spam it 

    This should get pinned for that reason 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Hooplaa said:


    • Active
    • Mature
    • Trains cadets & Helps officers
    • Application could use a bit more effort
    • Good Luck!



    • Like 1
  4. +support 

    been in the community a while 

    low warns

    good effort in app

    had previous staffing experience 

    seems mature

    seems fit for staff 

    has obviously read the staff handbook and deserves a chance to be staff.

    active in game and decently active on the forums 

    pretty known among the community 

    Good luck 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, Friendly Steve said:

    - Support

    Hey Nick. When applying for T MOD and especially when applying on your 4th attempt you really need to improve the overall effort. In my opinion every single time you re apply you should try your best to improve from the last attempt. You need to win over the community and other staff and show them that you are fit to hold the rank of Trial Mod.

    Note when people generally complain about the server they normally don't say "Omg the staff member so and so sucks and they never help". They normally say "Omg the staff on this server sucks they never help" thus painting the entire team in a bad image despite the team we have doing amazing work for the community.

    Just some food for thought for you if you don't get the spot and apply later on

    - Lack of effort

    - High warns

    - Question 13 only has 118 words of relevant things (the white boxes are irrelivent in my opinion)

    - As others have said, good play time and forum activity

    Good luck in the future!


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