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Posts posted by BigJohnny

  1. What you want to see? -  MOTD rule change 

    Why should we add it? -  to clarify if you need to rp out someone being wanted for shooting government officials since one rule says you have to rp it out and one rule says you don’t 

    What are the advantages of having this? - so people know what to do 

    Who is it mainly for? - crims and cops 

    Links to any content -  no


  2. On 9/15/2018 at 4:07 AM, Josh H-Y. said:

    SMT have already stated numerous times that they can't do anything else to fix the lag. They spend money on the most expensive and powerful servers and try to minimize lag  by only accepting suggestions that do not contribute to higher pings. It's why many suggestions end up being denied because ping and lag is a priority. The major cause of lag on the server is due to the amount of vehicles spawned in, it's better to have these in than not. Overall SMT try their hardest to make the lag less noticeable and have had great success over past 6 months. Whilst lag is still present, it's much less noticeable compared to months ago. I think we should give SMT credit for this and be thankful for what they have done to help combat the issue.



  3. On 9/15/2018 at 9:46 AM, KoreanBiscuit said:

    This would also stop everyone from looking the same and maybe when calling in certain things on the radio describe them more from their appearances such as their clothes


  4. 3 hours ago, -Unknown- said:

    -Support to all of them.

    They're unneeded and if anything will cause mass minging placing things around, minimaps would lag, ladders already had a post about not using it from SMT. We don't need police badges for PD jobs as well, look at their shirt. 


  5. 1 hour ago, tcoops said:

    + MAJOR Support

    Biccy has 17 hours on the server. I know that doesn't affect anything but it really does. He didn't know the map and have got multiple people stuck inside and outside of the map. Ontop of that, he never contacted Fame after buying donor mod. Biccy has caused MULTIPLE problems today that I have seen. It's disappointing for a staff member. Earlier on he was: uncloaked on duty, cloaked on duty, not going on staff, being disrespectful, etc.

    Everything he just stated, happened. I received a call from NSA Cow saying "CAN I GET ANOTHER ADMIN PLEASE?" So I responded. I instantly was greeted by OFC Biccy saying "BUT YOU STILL RDMED ME OMG" I told Biccy that you can't take your own sits, which he would have known if he read the MOTD. I kindly asked Biccy to leave, he did not do so at first and then around 5 minutes later he left just after saying "But you still RDMed me omg wtf dude" and then flew off.

    I began to talk to Cow about the real reason he asked for an admin - which was NLR. I then asked Cow of a username if he knew it, before Cow could respond. Around: https://imgur.com/a/NEZ0S0J. He of course had his physgun out and then decided to use it to launch Cow off the side of this building leaving him with 17hp. I tried to get the logs of Cow losing 83 health from being flown off the building, but logs reset.

    I apologised to Cow and told him I was going to confront Biccy and if it was possible for him to record it since I do not have OBS installed right now. He did so. I brought Biccy, Biccy instantly flew away. I brought him again, he kept saying stuff along the lines of "Blah blah not listening he RDMed me so I don't care". I then jailed Biccy so he couldn't fly away and he kept trying to escape by doing !return. I confronted him, question him and well, he's guilty. The video recording that Cow linked above is enough proof. He still kept trying to return himself as me and Cow were confronting him and he then knew there was so way to escape... So he logged off which https://imgur.com/a/tYrwiXd shows.

    Biccy should not be a staff member. Or have any chance to be a staff member again. I would like to see him removed permanently for staff abuse, immaturity, breach of staff handbook, unprofessionalism and so much more. It's disgusting and he should not be a staff member.




    The imgur link to show where he roughly was is: https://imgur.com/a/NEZ0S0J Other one was invalid... My bad.


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