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Posts posted by BigJohnny

  1. Your In-game: Bigjohnny 

    Your SteamID:STEAM_1:0:190683417
    The admin's name in-game: phenix umc
    The admin's steam name (If you know it):na
    What warning did you receive: minging
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):
    Why do you think this warn was false: I think it was false because I was standing inside the bank trying to rp with October and then aru came into the bank harassing me again telling me to leave or be arrested and I was stating that it’s nkt not illegal to be in the bank and then they tazed me restrained me and started transporting me to jail. They ignored everyone else in the bank by the way it’s nkt the first time aru purposely targets me and throws me in jail for excessive jail time when I didn’t commit a crime. So I called staff and phenix was asking what happened I tried explaining what happened then Alton kept saying that I’m pathetic and I’m just trying to get attention and need to stop minging and all this and I kept hearing that from all of the aru members and some of the srt at the time that I’m pathetic and all that for standing in the bank. So then phenix left and started to let aru arrest me and I called staff again because I still feel as if im falsely being arrested and harassed but phenix didn’t wanna listen and warned me for minging. I feel as if I did nothing wrong and was just standing and that the aru and srt members were being super biased due to the fact that I was the only one being arrested out of the other 3 people in the bank.
    Any extra information: 
    aru has been targeting me specifically all day. And would taze me for standing in the hospital trying to get armor. Just because there was a “situation” no one said anything to me I was just tazed and restrained. 
    evidence of warn


  2. Steam Name: 

    kool aid jammer

    Ingame Name:




    Ban Length:


    Admin that Banned you:


    Reason for Ban:



    Please read my dispute before giving any feedback, appreciate it.

    I was banned a few weeks ago for hacking, i was not hacking, i was pulled into a Team speak room with Fame and he said he had evidence of me admitting to hacks. The evidence he claimed he had against me was me saying that i was hacking,he said it was me sending the PM was to an admin, this was after the admin got caught hacking on the server already. I believe that this admin had set me up to get his punishment reduced because he was guilty of hacks and had received a staff demotion from Admin to Senior Mod before he had left the community ( I'm not sure if i should disclose the name of this admin so if any SMT needs me to provide the name, i can do so, also Fame had dealt with him as well i believe.) Once pulled into the team speak room with Fame, i had told him that i haven't hacked of any sort on this server (I honestly haven't) then i just ended up getting banned then blacklisted because he had thought i was lying to him about the situation. The whole situation doesn't add up, Firstly, if i were to hack on the server, why would i private message an admin about it? Then, why didn't the admin just ban me right then and there? he didn't tell SMT anything about me "hacking" until after he had admitted to hacking himself, he wanted a softer blow i'm assuming so he had set me up. I was never shown any evidence of the screenshot myself so i believe the whole situation was pretty biased due to the fact that everyone thinks i'm a minge and people hate me for that reason alone. Then also I did NOT message anyone saying i'm hacking, but that phrase alone can be taken out of context because out of all seriousness, i'm well known for shoot outs and could've been messing around. This blacklist appeal has taken awhile to be posted due to the fact this was the only opportunity i was offered to appeal this. To break this all down, an admin of police rp was caught hacking, said he only tried them once, he received a 1 rank demotion to Senior mod, then i believe forged a screenshot of me saying that i was hacking, Fame pulled me into a room, told him i wasn't hacking, then i was Blacklisted off the bat because he thought i was lying about the situation.  I have spent so much time on this server and since I’ve been banned all I’ve wanted to do is get back on it and play. I’ve donated a lot because I love the community and everyone on the server is usually really awesome and nice. I had came back from a 2 month ban for being disrespectful, came back and bought Donor mod and was working on fixing my reputation and getting even more involved with the server as a whole. I have never used any hacks or modifiers or anything unfair on Garry's mod. I know i have a bad reputation and i'm seen as a minge in most of the players eyes, or that i do not have an intention to role play, things get hectic at times and people may not see it as role play. I believe that this blacklist was unfair, and had a lack of evidence to it. Gaming Light is a community that I love being apart of and wish to be apart of it again, please read and try to understand my whole story before giving any feedback. I do understand where i have messed up on to receive such a bad reputation but i have not broke any rules that are blacklistable offenses, and that i was blacklisted unfairly. I do wish for SMT to look a bit more into the situation as a whole, and i wish to return to the community, upon returning to the community, i will have a better attitude and more respect, Thank you for reading my appeal.

    • Like 1
  3. Didnt even hear castle say a word to bryce. Also why didnt you just drag him by pressing E?  instead of standing there get him in a car and drag him into PD. It really isnt that hard. KEEP RPING IT OUT FOR ONCE. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, Jake Croft said:

    kiki you need to understand if we need Negev that are op and only ha plus have more than 1 gas and we follow by gudies line and mustard gas is spose to represent Tear gas


    It doesn’t represent tear gas when that’s the main cause of death of criminals when there are plenty of tac units and government officials that can easily overrun someone with a negev. Most gov officials have awps novas and whatnot which are very good weapons aswell. And you guys get an extra 100 armor depending on who you are. Extra 50-100 armor.

  5. 1 hour ago, Jeffe said:

    There is no Tear Gas addon that we can use on the server, in RP we just have colored tear has bc the gas doesn't kill you it makes you KOed

    Teargas irl doesn’t kill people. Tear gas can be used for crowd control and stuff it doesn’t kill unlike the mustard gas does. Plus it’s not fair when every crim gets gassed in every situation (banks gas stations bases) gas is used in every situation where tac units decide not to push in and decide hey let’s just kill them with gas because why not. There needs to be a change to gas. In no way is gas fair at all when we literally die to it within seconds 

    1 hour ago, Naby said:

    Mustard gas is Rockford's version of tear gas which is a chemical but clearly legal.

    K but teargas isn’t meant to kill it’s meant to disorientate. And 2-6 gasses will kill criminals instantly and there’s no challenge for cops. And obviously everyone that mains government doesn’t care because they are winning at the end of the day.

  6. Just now, Injoker said:

    Yes but (this may be wrong) cole might allow you to go undercover avoiding the fbi npc so it’s undetected (using f4 menu)

    I thought it was FBI becoming a tac unit that colesoft wants lmao

  7. On 9/22/2018 at 1:51 PM, Connortwos said:


    -Well Known


    -Good Application


    Overall I believe That you deserve this. Good Luck bud!


  8. On 9/27/2018 at 9:14 AM, Naby said:

    It's one of the only police advantages over criminals as custom claasses often have better guns than the coppers 

    Lmao doesn’t mean the 5 tac units outside a bank or gas station shouldn’t push in and gas the criminals to death. #wherestheroleplay

    chemical weapons are banned irl anyway (mustard gas is a chemical weapon) 

  9. On 9/27/2018 at 1:46 PM, [GL] Tom said:


    The server is already laggy and if people are allowed to use even more props the lag bases will be even more of a lag fest. Recently there was a base nerf and made it harder to make OP bases, wouldn't this update just make the bases op again...? + you can get friends to place props for you.

    People have crashed the server with washing machines I’m pretty sure not a good idea 

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