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Posts posted by BigJohnny

  1. 6 hours ago, Jeff Junior said:


    -feel like you did get the staff restriction for a reason 


    After what I’ve seen from you past few days you don’t seem fit for staff at all either. You Try to bend the rules a lot as well as get angry very quickly and say things that’s shouldn’t be said.


  2. Just now, Felix said:

    lets not start drama on the forums

    You made a report and you dont need to call someone out  for them breaking the rules in the past because they -supported you.


  3. 1 hour ago, Toxitman said:

    It was false

    I was not thinking at the time and I was having a not so good day. He said cursed at the other people in the sit and told them to "f off". And some other stuff that I don't remember plus I couldn't record at the time. I am very sorry for this and I want this warn removed please.

    -Trail Mod Toxitman


  4. 19 minutes ago, ? BrycE ? said:


    Max isn’t a manager+ so he shouldn’t have handed out the ban BUT if your 40th warm was pretty bad, then I believe Max should talk with SMT about the situation as a whole to determine if you deserve your ban or not. 

    I do give you props for honesty. 



    11 hours ago, Munchies1 said:


    • They have been harassing us for the past 30mins/Hour. Kept following us around
    • They kept mugging us in Spawn and the Spawn carpark
    • They kept fearRping like in the video I said "Drop 5k or die" And he drops $1 which means FailRP. Also Finch mugged the other person as you saw but he decided to run away etc...
    • They kept mugging everyine 3-5 minutes
    • They kept making up there own rules...
    • Overall they were just harassing us there wasn't much for us to do instead to just mug them...
    • ArkCarbon deserves a warn & Minge
    • They also started changing there jobs when we were trying to get them etc..
    • But again Kiki kept mugging me every time I got out of spawn
    • Kiki deserves a warn, Minge and a good talking to by SMT since he likes making up his own rules 24/7

    I dropped my money and drove away, and then heard shots assuming you were shooting at carbon so I started shooting at munchies. 

    No one was changing their jobs when they were trying to get us. 

    They have been harassing us about how shit our family is and how we are all shitters and gay Even in this video you were there being disrepsectful, it wasnt as bad as earlier. and in this screen shot you were being pretty immature https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198341632562/screenshot/960846733363710253 You were harassing me in game so I had nothing else to do but mug you, which you just stated that you did that aswell. Non one was harassing you we went to mug you every time you decided to call my family shitters. No one mugged you in spawn all of the mugging were done near the car dealer or out of spawn. And no one was making up their own rules when your sitting their insulting me purposely thats considered player disrespect you know. Because your purposely trying to hurt my feelings. Talk about making up own rules Finch was saying “15 minute player cooldown or whatever so you can’t mug the same player for 15 minutes which where in the MOTD does it say that? I can mug you every 5 minutes by the way. And also I wasn’t apart of carbon mugging in the car dealer. Which isn’t even against the rules itself.



  6. 29 minutes ago, Cole Phelps said:

    Massive -Support

    This warn is FAR from false.

    Walking down the sidewalk shooting an AK-47 into the air IS Cop Bait, despite what you think

    After this incident you continually attempted to create a scene, continually borderline harassing me in OOC about this warn (EVEN THE DAY AFTER IT WAS GIVEN)





  7. On 9/23/2018 at 7:35 AM, Rhenic said:

    N+support for all reasons above, plus you can’t put people in cars.

    The thing with SWRP is that you don’t need to search people, put them in your cars, etc. and only high ranks/GMs/5th Fleet get them. Minging with them is much harder on SWRP compared to being able to buy or spawn with them on PoliceRP and just tie everyone to a wall in spawn.



    On 9/23/2018 at 9:10 AM, SpecialSnowflake said:





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