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Posts posted by BigJohnny

  1. I’ve always seen people use props to move there cars if they are stuck even in front of staff and there’s never a issue. Unless he’s prop abusing and slamming props into cars to make them fly across the map. I think it was a false warn. +support

  2. Staff should have waited for a staff call instead of interfering with rp like that. If your family member is being arrested you have the right to open fire. You don’t even have to advert jail break until he’s in jail I’m pretty sure. I think this is a false warn 


  3. On 12/2/2018 at 8:08 PM, Joe Mama said:


    - Not needed in my opinion

    Lower ranking officers should have to stick to the guns they usually have until they rank up. Since that’s kind of what makes PD fun is working for ranks to get better guns and cars right. Only high command should have LMGs in my opinion since criminals have to pay for it. Government shouldn’t get it for free

  4. +support 

    He’s been banned for a long time and I think that after 3-4 months he changed and won’t be a minge like he was when he was banned. I honestly think he deserves at LEAST one more chance. Just because of how long he’s been banned and he could have changed for the better.

  5. On 12/2/2018 at 2:34 PM, Matthew said:


    You need to improve activity on PD. I personally disagree that ARU counts as PD time. As ARU your not handling officers and training / helping them with normal tasks.  "A Long Time" is not the proper answer, give a guess on how much time you've been SM. Now this is why I disagree with that. When your on ARU, your doing tactical situations, not doing to main part of PD's purpose. As an SM you need to help/train officers, which is not what your doing on ARU, as your dealing with tactical situations. Also when your on ARU your not talking to officers on what the need improvement on, as your running back and forth between tactical situations. ARU is a great department but I do not believe ARU has anything to do with PD besides your rank.

    ~Colonel Matthew

    Agreed with Matthew being active in a different department shouldn’t count as playtime for another department. Command in PD should be active in PD to help out the lower ranks.

  6. 3 hours ago, Jeff Junior said:


    Sorry but you new that you broke it and still did it and that just shows that you didn’t care about your staff rank at all because if you did care about your staff rank you would be staff on a nother server. But  I think they should put you on a  8 month staff restriction where you can’t appeal it. And you need to wait it out 

    Sorry korean I like you and all but you can be doing that. 

    ~S-Admin Jeff Jr

    You know I love you Korean. But you shouldn’t have left gaminglight for another community. I really hope you do come back to the server though as you were one of my best friends and were really fun to talk to. The staff restriction shouldn’t be permanent, and you should be able to apply after being active and stuff again in the community. 



  7. On 12/3/2018 at 8:49 AM, Cole Phelps said:

    not gonna lie but,


    prolly would have given you a fine


    cause I’m a State trooper

    and it’s a sin if I give out warnings

    I like state pulling me over more than ARU ?

    also I remember my keyboard glitched out a little bit or something and my car was doing donuts during a traffic stop lmao I got arrested after 

  8. On 12/3/2018 at 11:27 PM, KoreanBiscuit said:


    Held me at gunpoint

    just joking all jokes aside

    He is an amazing guy to talk to

    Good and trustworthy guy

    and deserves to be Forum Diplomat

    Active on forums

    Good Luck!

    great person

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/2/2018 at 11:03 AM, Joe Mama said:


    •  Very Active
    •  Mature
    •  Friendly
    •  Knowledgeable of rules
    •  Great guy

    Good luck! ~ Joe Mama

    very very friendly and a great friend. I've seen him do a great job on staff as well super active.

  10. Your In-game: bigjohnny

    Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:190683417
    The admin's name in-game: Steve 
    The admin's steam name (If you know it):na
    What warning did you receive:staff  diss minging 
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):
    Why do you think this warn was false: it was false because the staff took his own sit and admitted to it
    Any extra information:the warn was supposed to be removed a while ago but it never got removed
    Screen shot below shows bsi invest Steve 


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