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Everything posted by Ecott

  1. Damn wasn’t expecting this to happen it’s sad and a shame to see you go Freeze hope the best of luck to u of watever u do in the Future!
  2. @Calamity I’m legit SHOCKED by this!?!?!? I genuine can’t believe ur leaving US!?!?!? U helped me soo much from the start of the whole department especially when starting out as a CC to make it official and now I don’t know what to say I’m lost for words your the glue that held the department together and helped me out hella lot I’m legit gutted now
  3. I’m not mad at u if it sounds like I’m being hostile just like BRUH... & SMH tbh.... if u get where I’m coming from man aha
  4. @Springs FOR REAL!?!? I did say to you when u said to me ingame u plan on joining back and to not and I REPEAT to NOT LEAVE DS for the same reason u left before/or whateverever reason u leave for now and wtf u Do......... YOU leave DS ONCE AGAIN............ SMH........... if I'm brutally honest I would say sad to see u go but u legit only joined back not long ago man..... don't expect a warm welcoming if u wish to come back AGAIN... thats all i have to say TBH SMH SPRINGS SMH......
  5. @Northy It really sucks to see u go Man u helped out hella lot in Delta Squad since it became Offical it sucks that ur IRL stuff is super BUSY and your not on much and the time zones etc which is understandable man but you will be MISSED LOADS!
  6. @Bandit99 I'm not surprised your resigning due to being inactive!?!? Oof urgh should of kept up your work n be active more and attend most meetings your hardly there with same excuse of "Busy" that's it but oof rip and sad to see you go
  7. In-Game Name: Ecott Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:45307866 ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Platinum Rank How many hours do you have on the server?: 17 Weeks What is your general knowledge on the rules?: I know and acknowledge the rules that are on the server and always abide them and I can pick up on the rules very straight forward and quickly to understand them all! How many warns do you have? (No more than 15): 4 Warnings Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+): I Would like to join Gaming Lights Event Team because I could help you guys making any Events on the Server and help make them enjoyable and fun as much as possible and I am quite a good builder when I try and put my mind set and to it of what I try to build which could maybe help for events aswell I I'm a mature and a genuine nice guy to get know and would be able to help out the community for the players the best way I can and work well along with everyone else apart of the Event Team aswell and joining the Event Team would be a good thing for me and have some extra Expierence and acknowledgement on the server and if i do get accepted to Event Team on the server I will 100% step up my game and prove the best I can of my abilities and do my best when helping and creating Events on the server! Describe an event you could create (Be specific): I could create a few different events being, Zombie Outbreak, Protect the President, Street Race Event & Bloods Vs Crips/Mafia Gang Wars & Prison Break Event! If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? (Must be in EST timezone) I'm not EST sadly as such but my time zone is GMT British Standard Time which it could still possibly work Monday - Friday: I work 4 days a week from 8am to 6pm GMT (4am - 2pm EST) I am usually on past 6pm GMT My time zone (2pm EST) Onwards when on the server etc Saturday and Sunday: I'm free anytime on the weekend for whatever time that works for me unless I'm busy and got plans on the weekend etc
  8. Delta Squad Accepted Applications Ruben Springs Lime King If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! If you fail to contact an FTO within two weeks you are automatically removed no exceptions...
  9. Delta Squad Accepted Applications John Kill If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! If you fail to contact an FTO within two weeks you are automatically removed no exceptions...
  10. SMH love how u using my PLAYERMODEL I got for my CC and nick and use it for the EVENTS!?!?!?! BRUH!?!?!?!? Lol ahahahah Note to self don’t add in more stuff to server others wanna use it and poientally claim it for them selfs.... oof urgh... lol ahahahah
  11. What you want to see? - Prop "Shadow Remover" Tool Gun Why should we add it? - So you can lighten up props with this Tool Gun Addition that allows you to change darkened areas of props if props are placed in shadow parts of the map to then see it better and look nicer! What are the advantages of having this? - Simply allowing to lighten up the props shadowiness so you can see props looking normally and fine then seeing other props darken in different areas due to shadow effectiveness in certain areas when placing the props down around the map when you are building Bases or Shops/RP Buildings Who is it mainly for? - For Everyone, but I don't see as such any harm or issue being just restricted to Gold & Diamond/Platinum VIP Rank Only? Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1274272415 Screenshots Of The Tool Gun In Action: Before: After:
  12. oh well then that's a big FAT RIP then its gonna be DENIED oof urgh lol aha
  13. What you want to see? - Some more possible materials u can put on props in the server Why should we add it? - Gives u more options to choose more materials when building Bases/Shops/RP Houses & other kind of Dupes you've made What are the advantages of having this? - Just being able to have more multiple choice of materials you can use when changing props materials and the colours of each material etc Who is it mainly for? - Everyone can use this Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=730187817&searchtext=More+materials P.S Don't know if this has been mentioned in the past and I Doubt this would be allowed and accepted to have but just throwing it out to maybe have etc
  14. +/- support +Support - I like the idea its kind of cool but.... - Support - its a PAIN in the ass if u change your playermodel to one thing then having to go to another location to change it again and also its a pain when you use a custom class with 2 playermodels because when you are on the first playermodel and see all its body groups u LEGIT cant switch over to the other Playermodel and use their body groups you have to LEGIT switch damn JOBS to then SWITCH BACK AGAIN just to then be able to use your SECOND ADDITIONAL Playermodel... Unless theres a way to fix/amend the Wardrobe that you can change between different playermodels you have for Custom Classes that would be a lot easier and better etc
  15. What you want to see? - A New Job Called ''Casino Owner'' Why should we add it? - Gives the Casino more RP to it and if people would like to if they want Gamble Their money (Their Own Reasonability when gambling all/any of their money away) What are the advantages of having this? - Gives More RP Content made for the casino to be Used more as right now its just dead asf and completely empty and nothing to do in the casino! Who is it mainly for? - VIP+ and make it a Voted Job etc Links to any content - Job Playermodel: (Model Already On Server) models/player/suits/male_07_closed_tie.mdl Job Entities Content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1174019751 P.S This is just a suddgestion and a long shot in the Dark I doubt this job would happen and implemented but would be cool to have as a job!
  16. Well yeah but micspam is annoying as fck regardless being a hobo allowed to do that shit etc u cant as such micspam on this job ur not using ur microphone to play music you would use the piano etc but u could poetienally spam it smashing the keyboard letters and sound but hence why it would be VIP+ & Voted job created to try to maybe prevent from the quote on quote "Micspam" or "Spamming" in general etc but if only "If" it became a thing etc and also people don't legit use hobo as their job they just "Micspam" most of the time its like 99.9% people fck around on hobo and u get that 1% odd of a decent/alright person on the hobo job who doesn't micspam etc but I of course can be completely wrong on those percent's I said but that's me personally seeing it like that etc
  17. - Support Also adding to this I don't think those weapons would be added for purposes of Zeeptin doesn't want any more Custom Content weapons I've witnessed and know this despite them being TFA weapons I highly doubt this would be allowed or accepted to be honest
  18. What you want to see? - A New Job Called "Piano Player" Or "Musician Player" Why should we add it? - Give more RP related entertainment for people who like to play music on a Piano and enjoy playing Music and then allowing to donate to the player! What are the advantages of having this? - To Create their own/play their own music on the Piano and show off their skills and uniqueness abilities and people donating to them for good music! Who is it mainly for? - VIP+ and make it a Voted Job etc Links to any content - Job Playermodel: (Already In the server) models/player/suits/male_07_closed_tie.mdl Job Entities Content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=104548572 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1614147948 (I Don't know as such if this is just stricted to DarkRP only but unless there's a way for it to be implemented in the server for this Job etc & if u cant use the donation box then that's fine etc) P.S This is just a suddgestion and a long shot in the Dark I doubt this job would happen and implemented but would be cool to have as a job!
  19. Delta Squad Accepted Applications ZoeyPlaysGames MSGT FORNOGOODREASON1 If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! If you fail to contact an FTO within two weeks you are automatically removed no exceptions... Denied Applications If your name was not listed here, this means you were not accepted for anonymous reasons! Please reapply in two weeks!!!
  20. that's the same goes for any other rule if people are breaking them and minging on other jobs and what not etc, its society and a game that your bound to have many minges, I don't think any other server or heck even another game where there is possibly without a doubt no minges there's always that one person out there who just mess about/minge or more then one but yeah and like I said call staff about it heck even if u don't want to constantly bug staff about it but that's what their there for to respond to anyone's calls about a report and they can "Help" and force job them off the job and heck even give them a jail time like I don't know like maybe 180 seconds or something or even longer then if need be kick/ban them from the server if they are constantly do it once they get returned and warned about it etc
  21. - Support Just put them in solitary if they are either legit minging/breaking rules or demote/force job them off the job by getting a Admin ingame etc, there are a little few people who like to RP out in the Prison 1 Being Myself I enjoy it and its fun to do despite u get a bunch of people jumping on the Inmate Job and just RDM each other inmates and stuff and what but not but if the inmate job gets removed its kind of pointless for the whole actual like prison etc if u get me despite DOC can still do their jobs if any other government official requests DOC for a PT to their location and what not but yeah aha and also this defeats my purpose of the Prison Inmate CC I legit created myself when the Inmate Job wasn't in on the server before hence why I went out my own way and created and inspired it and I was dedicated to do of that my CC of it to have my own job then shortly after people spoke about wanting to have the inmate job back in a little while back of the post and it got accepted etc
  22. Despite that how u gonna make it ENFORCED RULE though of not going back at all to the situation if a base is still being raided, cuz people as crims will just come back after the 3 minute marker and if government complain that they came back they be like I did LEGIT wait the 3 minute NLR Timer etc cuz lets be real to be honest no ones gonna wait until the whole RAID is over if government get in completely to take out a money silo or other illegal stuff or failing to get in and waiting the 3 minute timer to then come back to try again, and people will just come back regardless after the 3 minute timer of waiting of both Jobs being either Government and Criminal etc. Also if this were implemented into the server and lets just say myself or someone else was a CRIM and legit waited the 3 Minute marker and soo fourth and come back to my base and the base RAID is still happening wtf going to happen like being reported or something to staff and being warned of what though of what "Breaking NLR" even though there is a 3 Minute cool down and Legit "WAITED" for their NLR to be gone to then able to return etc
  23. - Neutral I mean despite this being a suddgestion and what not, but aint this a legitimate rule or whatever…??? where ever u die if your GOV or a crim u simply cant return to where u died at until NLR is up/over of the 3 mins or so...???
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