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Everything posted by Ecott

  1. well I'm sure u can make a suddgestion for Event Team Leader only job maybe Event Team also to have couple extra prop limits maybe but yeah? it could work, despite the performance wise, legit be for Event Team only etc aha
  2. yeah I guess but personally for me I hit them prop limits of Platinum and its a pain when I like to build RP related stuff, not just doing this for my personal liking but in general aswell as myself who ever else that like to Build RP Building and add more Fun RP to the server etc
  3. That wouldn't look right calling it that because it would be a ULX Rank ingame where it shows everyone's Rank ingame or their VIP/Staff Rank etc, if it would to be called that, it would be more of a Job Name but u cant really make a official job in the f4 menu to allowing as such for extra prop limits and perms by SMT though etc? correct me if I'm wrong etc aha
  4. What you want to see? - A New ULX Rank System by the name of "Roleplay Builder or Roleplay Keeper" Why should we add it? - Giving people more options to RP with this Rank Role and building lots of Cool RP Related Buildings for everyone who want to interact more in RP Situations! What are the advantages of having this? - Have this implemented On PoliceRP so people can have a certain amount of Props Count with this Rank being like maybe being 100 Prop limit if that's to much maybe 80/90 odd and to be able to build cool and Fun RP Related Buildings and what not and being able to spawn in certain prop objects and items/entities with the permission of SMT+ (HA+) allowing you to do this! and Requirements of this would be that you have to be Platinum VIP Rank Community Member and that you are trust worthy of getting this Rank Role and not have 10+ Warnings on your Record and if your a Admin on Staff you can get the privileges of this aswell! Who is it mainly for? - Anyone who is willing and wanting to make cool RP Related Buildings for ANYONE and having FUN doing lots of Different Roleplay Situations! Links to any content - N/A
  5. + Support If legit PD Command can already do that then don't need to bother as such but... Also correct me if I'm wrong but I'm certain that any government can just legit give out gun license's to anyone if there is no PRESIDENT on etc!?!?!? If Not make that a thing that all GOV can give out License's if there's no PRESIDENT ON and it helps out a lot! ETC!
  6. + Support! Don't think as such the VP & President are worth the same but be handy to know the price of it if the VP is kidnapped (I Mean What VP LIFES don't MATTER & aren't WORTH Anything TBH! JK ahahah)
  7. - Neutral / + Support You should Just simply follow the FBI Undercover guidelines despite they aren't technically FBI as such its a GOV CC (Classed as PD), maybe create a Rule/Guidelines in Particular for GOV CCs that have the ability to go undercover (Or have this said on the CC Job Format Post of where the pricing is to get it, that you MUST see the FBI Undercover SOP Guidelines or a new OWN SOP GUIDELINES for GOV CCs!) & If people are ABUSING it on their GOV CC Job just get hold of their name and that GOV CC Name and report it and maybe do a punishment for it of it getting removed off that GOV CC! Because there's nothing worse removing it altogether for all GOV CCs if legit Certain People are ABUSING it on 1 Or 2 GOV CC Jobs ETC! (Which also comes back to of the CC Owners Responsibility of who they are adding onto their CCs and if anyone is abusing anything on that CC it affects everyone ELSE on that CC aswell ETC!)
  8. Damn man it sucks to see u go u will be missed loads surely!?!?
  9. Delta Squad Accepted Applications Leopard If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! If you fail to contact an FTO within two weeks you are automatically removed no exceptions... Denied Applications If your name was not listed here, this means you were not accepted for anonymous reasons! Please reapply in two weeks!!!
  10. @A Piece of Garbage btw u dont need to post ur LOA here we have it on our discord of #ds-support-center post your LOA There with the format showen etc
  11. Delta Squad Accepted Applications Parry If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! If you fail to contact an FTO within two weeks you are automatically removed no exceptions... Denied Applications If your name was not listed here, this means you were not accepted for anonymous reasons! Please reapply in two weeks!!!
  12. Delta Squad Accepted Applications Garbage If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! If you fail to contact an FTO within two weeks you are automatically removed no exceptions... Denied Applications If your name was not listed here, this means you were not accepted for anonymous reasons! Please reapply in two weeks!!!
  13. Delta Squad Accepted Applications N/A Denied Applications If your name was not listed here, this means you were not accepted for anonymous reasons! Please reapply in two weeks!!!
  14. Delta Squad Accepted Applications Sixx If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! If you fail to contact an FTO within two weeks you are automatically removed no exceptions...
  15. This is abit outdated and quite possibly needs updating the "High Command Policy" aha
  16. Delta Squad Accepted Applications Elapin If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! If you fail to contact an FTO within two weeks you are automatically removed no exceptions...
  17. Delta Force Important Links Delta Force Roster: Here Delta Force Handbook: Here Gaminglight PoliceRP Discord: Here
  18. Delta Force Please Read Delta Force is a Specialized Task Force in countering counter terrorism threats, hostage rescues, direct action and special reconnaissance. Once Applying you DO agree to our forum posts, our Delta Force handbook and Gaminglights M.O.T.D Rules! You will be removed or denied if you fail to agree on these terms and if you do not follow these rules! Delta Force Application Click Here
  19. Delta Force "The unit is tasked in with specialized missions primarily involving counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, direct action, and special reconnaissance" This task force under the code name called "Task Force Delta" has been dispatched and deployed to the city of Rockford and other cities as well to stop major crime that has plagued the cities! This is a tactical unit that is sent in to help aid other departments in taking down criminals and to cut down crime globally!
  20. + Support It makes sense to bring this back, don't know why it got changed in the first place, cuz I've seen Sciernos where a gov official has their gun out on a Crim CC and the Crim CC can just put out their gun (NEGEV) and pop shots first even though the gov have the weapon on them first and turning into a 1vs1 shootout and then legit the Criminal kills the Gov official and gets off scot free like nothing happened etc its silly n stupid tbh, u wouldn't do that shit IRL if someone has a gun on you regardless being a Gov Official or not u just wouldn't, you would want to value your life and not get SHOT at and potentially not DIE etc....
  21. Delta Squad Accepted Applications Romero Zero If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! If you fail to contact an FTO within two weeks you are automatically removed no exceptions...
  22. okay no worries also for a heads up also, u don't need to as such post your LOA here just do it in our discord of #ds-support-center etc
  23. NOOOOOOOOO Not u aswell its sad to see u go MAN despite everyting u did for DS, u will be surely missed and sucks to see u go but you gotta do what u gotta do
  24. Delta Squad Accepted Applications Torty If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! If you fail to contact an FTO within two weeks you are automatically removed no exceptions...
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