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Everything posted by Ecott

  1. Delta Squad Accepted Applications SM Killer 1C44 Zerg Twaids If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! If you fail to contact an FTO within two weeks you are automatically removed no exceptions... Denied Applications If your name was not listed here, this means you were not accepted for anonymous reasons! Please reapply in two weeks!!!
  2. Delta Squad Accepted Applications Alpha If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! If you fail to contact an FTO within two weeks you are automatically removed no exceptions... Denied Applications If your name was not listed here, this means you were not accepted for anonymous reasons! Please reapply in two weeks!!!
  3. Delta Squad Accepted Applications Sion Reaperlite Jack If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! If you fail to contact an FTO within two weeks you are automatically removed no exceptions... Denied Applications If your name was not listed here, this means you were not accepted for anonymous reasons! Please reapply in two weeks!!!
  4. maybe I guess so aha that's if its been brought back etc aha
  5. + Support Bring Back the Prison Jobs it was fun when I played on it and RPing etc and ehh I don't know as such add people to my CC of it aha, only until just now noticed this post aha, maybe like if it does come back bring back the prison jobs and mine could be a extra/special job maybe? I don't know aha but maybe aha
  6. - Support There would be many issues for this If This Were To happen Being: 1. Who's ever Departments would be taken out wouldn't be happy About It, (Not Just saying this for myself but for other departments in General as well etc) 2. Each Department have their own unique skills that they have and enjoy and seeing them merch into one might be difficult or might not work. 3. Peoples ranks in Their Departments are not all the same going by the rank systems they are using in their departments. 4. People might not want to leave/transfer to the other department if this Suddgestion of a "MERGE" was to happen and there would be issues of people getting their current old ranks from their previous department into the New/Merged department and if that were to happen and if the choices were made by high command for the people to get their ranks, some people may or may not get their old rank they had previously from the other department and this could cause issues/problems if this to were to ever happen.
  7. Delta Squad Accepted Applications Tigersen If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! If you fail to contact an FTO within two weeks you are automatically removed no exceptions... Denied Applications If your name was not listed here, this means you were not accepted for anonymous reasons! Please reapply in two weeks!!!
  8. +support/neutral Support I get where your coming from of not wanting people to take over peoples CC's Player models and weather its government or crim CC and then stealing/using it for their own and taking the uniqueness of it and it being a cool Playermodel for your CC. As myself I don't want people to take/use any of my Player models I have on the server either but yeah hey ho nothing much can be done on this Unless this gets made Offical! aha
  9. Name: Ecott Rank: Senior Lieutenant Callsign: SLT-3 Reason of 48 Reignation: Heyy guys sorry to come to this but I’ve enjoyed the most I have on EMS Climbing up the Ranks to get to where I am now and also I admit I have been on lines of Active to Semi-Active when being on EMS due to fact my time zone is different as I’m From the UK to get on the server as everyone else of EST time zone, aswell as the Meeting time for me is relatively late for me and being apart of EMS has given me good expierence and I have a had a great experience and enjoyed meeting a lot of new and very nice people apart of EMS! Maybe If possible get a reserved rank of EMS if possible if not then not to worry and maybe I might return in the Future for EMS! Good luck to everyone else in EMS and have fun! Kind Regards, Ecott
  10. Wow! Wasn’t expecting this! Shame to see u go man and nice knowing you! Good luck to ur plans or what ever else u have in the Future! Sincerely Ecott
  11. Name: Ecott Rank: Senior LT How Active Are You: Active Why Should I Remain In EMS?: I enjoy EMS because it’s a good and fun department and like to RP as a medic and get to know new people and keep EMS growing and active! ??
  12. +Support - Sorry but even if you're helping the president around despite being no SS On you shouldn't used that vehicle to transport him around in & you shouldnt use the Custom Class Dealer and use CARS that you didn't pay for. With all due respect @????? ?? u shouldn't be using any Custom Car Vehicles unless u want to pay to use it urself, the fact that u used my Bank Truck I use and have for Bank Security CC Of Mine and its not allowed and u shouldn't of even used it to escort the Pres either, even all of SS know and say u cant transport the Pres in it but they can use it as a blockade vehicle which is allowed but they rarely use it them selfs & also that the fact u think its okay to use it how ever many times and seeing what's it like and wat not etc doesn't really to be honest make up your wrong doing by then making a post format to then get the vehicle added into YOUR CC to fix and solve this problem the matter of fact but yeah just saying...
  13. Name: Ecott Rank: Senior Lieutenant What You Think Could Be Improved in EMS: Activity & any new possible Vehicles and despite as well as when the Fire Department gets added in and is Official! ??
  14. Hi u may seen or know me as Banker Ecott or NSSF Ecott 578 etc, and I would like all/any support I could/can get with this idea of having Security Job Role as a government Job or a Job with access to get backup from the government and to respond and this job being is having A Security Guard Job for The "The Bank Of Rockford" etc, ive had a issue/debate/questions about this a thing implemented before and said and mentioned about it and like to get this word SPREAD out if possible and make this such a thing happen and possibly work!?!? Reason Ive wanted/suggested is this, gives the Bank more of RP Opportunities for more RP Sciernos etc cuz ofc right now u just have the "Banker" Job for the bank thought maybe there can be a security for the bank as a job aswell implemented cuz in past when I was a banker before ive hired people to work for bank as security and are dressed/played as VIP/VIP Thiefs etc ofc then changing their Job RP Name to "Bank Of Rockford Security" etc but apparently that's not really allowed as such from the past expierence of doing this??? so that's why I want/would like to make this a actual thing to do and be and give more rp situations and sciernos to do if and when Bank Thiefs or any other Job as criminal comes into bank and trys to rob the bank etc with bit more RP dealing with the bank security aswell as the bankers been taken and then held hostage along/among side any of the security that's been taken hostage if they haven't already shot and killed them all etc but yh and heres a playermodel id like to suddgest and possibly use for this possibly job if its been done and made official and id be more then happy making this job having Requirements to Join by myself of the person suddgesting this idea and if it does procced and is accepted and can work, also Requirements from the staff team to maybe allow then people to use it or something or anything etc? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1458010628&searchtext=Guard+Player+Model Please Please spread this around to everyone would be much appreciated and helpful and nice to make official and getting +supports
  15. yh I defo like that player model looks perfect to use I think!?!?!? aha decent aha if we get enough + supports and is hopefully approved etc I think we should use this player model that Munchies1 said https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=627952402&searchtext=bank+security
  16. yh I don't mind them but maybe personally something diff, as ive seen them on diff servers using them etc but I don't mind that playermodel etc
  17. yh I defo agree and yh have had citizens in past few times be it but aswell as theifs/vip theifs etc feel like this should happen hopefully maybe and be cool to have a cool and nice job playermodel for bank security etc and being allowed so theres no mess/fck up in bank and confusion etc aha
  18. Hi if u don't reconise me I'm Banker Ecott and I usually RP as a banker on the server and ive got a idea/suggestion, I think there should be a job made along with the Banker Called Bank Of Rockford Security or whatever the name may be, reason being is, its hard to rp with security and legit people when they play as theifs and help defend the bank etc ive ofc done this before and questioned about it to a admin last week that a could hire anyone to work for me etc, and have had people work for me as Theifs/VIP Theifs etc and help defend the bank which has been fine last couple days until now today on the server I couldnt have theifs/vip theifs its not allowed its bs tbh with u but I get and understand why so therefore maybe could get lots of support if there is a Job as Bank Security allowed so there wont be any confusion mixed up of seeing maybe theifs/vip theifs in bank with few guns out and PD responding to a call with guys out in bank with guns etc, and maybe make the Job along with the government role as security etc and would help out lot for this rp situation/scierno etc so please please everyone u think this a good idea to have a job as Bank Security allowed and have more Role play scienrnos at the bank going on etc Would be really thankful and greatful if this were to happen! Much Appreciated! :)
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