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Everything posted by Mervin

  1. What’s the forums? On some real shit tho what’s rep cause I had a lot then everybody’s got reset and I went inactive so here we be
  2. -Support - I havent seen you in game once tbh but that could just be time zones - Q15 and Q16 could have had more depth you basically repeated your self to get to the requirement. It doesnt really tell me why you think you deserve to be staff - You have 5 warns which are all recent and for some pretty interesting offensive might I add for someone wanting to be staff. I recommend you connect with the community more be a tad more active and start following the rules to show that you should be staff. Ps. your title isnt even right/no poll
  3. Changing to -Support doesn’t seem like your ready to be staff just yet
  4. -/+ Support TBH I’m really on the fence with this application I’ve met you a couple times in game and you seem very friendly +Your application isn’t too bad would have gone in better depth on question 16 what superior would you call jail better jail times and or van times considering he was a mass rdmer - I don’t know any context to you getting staff restricted or do I see any appeals. Hopefully a higher up can clear that up.
  5. Honestly there’s no real way to get a warn removed unless it was a false warn I personally still have warns from 2017 when I first started playing just let time pass and show people your not mingy that and everybody makes mistakes just keep playing.
  6. +Support evidence clear clear mingle with no regard for the rules
  7. Wait wait wait bright actually did something for the good of the foundation
  8. I’d say 250 just cause that’s a pretty small amount especially for higher levels
  9. +support -Evidence is clear -Shouldnt be demoting people when not staff
  10. Mervin


    Ahhhhh I gotcha thanks for explaining
  11. Mervin


    Wtf how can someone copy right a player model?
  12. -Support adverted thermals his proof shows it however you should be re adverting every couple of mins for anyone who didn’t see it
  13. Lmao I didnt even look at the post date but you right
  14. Mervin


    When can we see a return of peanut/ why isn’t it in game
  15. Try making a suggestion nothings gonna happen if it’s just a general topic But I agree fully
  16. +Support in the short time I’ve played on this server a name I’m constantly seeing is Gunther he’s friendly to everyone really easy to talk to and haven’t seen any problems in his staffing
  17. I have one question before I vote Wouldnt that make more sense tho because there hearing is insanely good so they could hear just by how the gun was fired because it isnt an actual gun with gun powder etc its just a dart? Plus the tranq is silenced
  18. +support I like this idea because its more in line with the lore
  19. +support Tired of players abusing heavy
  20. +support -Evidence is clear
  21. But youll find that most of the d-class who play often are the harder ones to nab because there smarter they watch gensec and how we operate tbh speaking from a d-class perspective if you know what your doing it isnt hard to be d-class
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