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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. well if that side is true i will +support it you were a really fun player to hang out with
  2. Honestly i am still don't know about this you never explain the account that got banned has your name on it as an recent Under This person has used this name + - Support until you explain this on my side also this Kinda Looks Like it was played out i could be wrong ...
  3. Hannah

    Dear Fame / SMT

    i dont know what you did but i think they will be able to forgive you in time i know you might think bad about your self rn but just know everyone makes mistakes keep your head up not alot of people could white a sorry letter
  4. So i am going to make an other $75 custom class give away this time all you just need to do is comment https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20190430T00&p0=%3A&msg=Custom+Class+Give+AWAY&font=hand rules; Comment your name and a nice note :3 If You have a custom class please don't comment this is for people who don't have enough for one and always wanted to be on one or get there own .. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!
  5. +support makes rp better
  6. plus it would help out custom classes with it to
  7. i do agree i gave it a test my self to day when i did a jail break i took out 5 pd in like 30 seconds but gov just thinks armor saves them no it's skill i have said this a few times i would rather get rid of the armor and just have good guns you could even have 300-400+ armor and it would make your survive rate a lil higher but in the end if the person knows how to use the gun and out skills you that armor wont do anything , also have tactics dont just go running infront of an lmg find cover keep your distance , i will even prove this to you one day ill get stander gov gear with only 100 armor and show you that you guys are relying to much on it,, i
  8. Not to be rude but this is what i have been talking about alot of people being toxic players and disrespecting each other bambob is a good person i know this because i knew him from when he was in swat in the video it doesn't show him disrespecting you he was just roleplaying and doing his job, next time even though you remove the gun from your inv holster it's still rp you could have ran behind something to pull it out so that was your own bad doing bambob don't listen to people like that i know this community likes you it's just an honest shame when people pull this stuff
  9. Honestly +support Knows leader ship knows how to keep calm when needed doesn't lash out on people active in pd again knows how to role play i could say so much other things about josh but the list is honesty to long he is one of the most best swat commanders and i truly believe pd would benefit from him being LT Thank you for being such a good person josh there isn't a lot of people i'd say this to Not only that but he's good of calming people down
  10. thank you guys for making the department how it is and thank you for your hard work of controling it i just wish i could see @jeffe in game more but he has different responsibilitys as well
  11. R/I/P Shay you may be gone but you will never be forgotten i will never  ever forget our memorys  for real you are one of the best people i know and i wish i could have taken  the damage in the car for you but i couldn't , this world has  lost an other perfect angel  

  12. that was really damn nice of you have earned so much respect from me for this you are truely a good person thank you for the ideas of playing respect to the fallen people who got killed by an monster
  13. with the aws i know its op but i didn't think it would be this much of an issue because i tested on my friend and it took 20 shots to kill him mostly what should be changed is props how fast the gun shoots and lil dmg taken away from it ig
  14. i am changing to - support a thing is gov has choose to use armor than really good guns to use the aws does mess up a lot when the target is running back and forth you guys also have gas and commanders have freaking flag grenades srt commander has 280 armor crims really do need something op as well, i'd say srt and swat should do double trainings 1 with both departments and 1 by there selfs as they use diffren't tactics , or maybe nerf the armor and ask for better weapons .. armor doesn't save you skill does.. and the thing is why our custom class weapons don't get nerfed much is because we paid to have these weapons i paid over $500 in stuff for my custom class
  15. tbh why would you lie in a ban appeal if you aren't this so called person why is one of your steam profile say the name of the blacklisted player if you really cared to come back i don't think you would lie in appeal
  16. class 2 is still illegal without a gun permit
  17. damn spection :c changing mine to -support
  18. yes i agree i said my comment he shouldn't even have gas as he's not even a tac unit and how that ruins the game
  19. i'd say -support as snar has stated the new rule is you cant base in public and that parade is public if you think about it, and harden and Sosa as a family aren't in the clear also you guys legit try to instigate fights with gov and have 0 respect for people do you think people wanna deal with that shit? people come on gaming light as an escape from drama and real life shit do you really think they wanna go to the same base over and over again and i can damn tell you how much times they broke the major crime rule, respawninf when ems is online etc and have you guys cuss at them and call them names etc,,Not to show disrespect as you are a really good friend of mine Bryce but your family what you and @bigjohhny made has 0 discipline all for the people who make it bad, if you care about sosa i'd really step up in keeping the family alive because so far you guys are getting a more horrible rep than the yukis and that it self is bad., with spection spawning that much gasses that is really not needed as that base could be pushed with like 4/6 tac units.. and may i remember you are on a col job as pd not a tac unit and do not spawn with gas and should not be able to abuse it to your advantage that's how you make things completely unfair and breaks the game... also if you wanna point people out for breaking rules please don't break basing rules there is 3 fading doors + the the fading door what is used for the button what is used and before you say that isn't in the motd it is , 1-) Basing Max fading doors (Per Base): 3 and i can damn tell you how much times they broke the major crime rule, and respawning when ems is online etc so be for calling people out on rule breaking i'd fix your family first Last Note: Drunk MinD is A Truthful minf drunk mind is a truthful mind
  20. i'd say the 15 sec mark could be easily abused i'd say 1/2 minutes without gun fire than you can heal
  21. sadly this is my fav gun but i gotta go with +support
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