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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. Today is actually I pretty damn  good day

  2. Damn my little brother going hard on these minge family's
  3. It's a protocol for high risk family's I remember one of my commanders in state told me that one time
  4. -support Semi serious role play server Hard to keep track of In real life I am pretty sure cops use multiple spikes to get the job done The role play issues are mostly come in with the Trigger happy custom classes who just wanting to dominate the pd for some dumb reason , not starting pd doesnt have any role play issues also , is both sides but mostly criminals Under the calr spikestrip method this is only used for high risked family's/ high risk suspects
  5. I think a verbal will be good And for you mikey stap being a minge xD
  6. Honestly  fuck judges  and postponing shit

  7. Court fucking sucks 

  8. + - support as he has 40 + warns lil chum has took a break for awhile and he wasn't mingeing today..
  9. Weird I always see wanted people in my awp
  10. This is kinda wrong if the person is with a sniper from a far distance it isnt cop bait its roleplay but if the person is by the cop than yea its fail rp because it must not be done in front of people even though staff and players do it in front of people all the time
  11. We dont need immature people here
  12. Well smt will look into this I dont really understand who would put a ban saying this isnt the place for you..
  13. So could those warns be for some one else have you ever had like the same name of some one? Or last name? It does like really bugged out 1969 is like older than me xD
  14. +support Knows leader ship Very kind Helpful Mature -support I would really like you to improve on activity I never see you on the pd job , could be the timing I get on
  15. Still can't believe  I got banned  from 7 eleven 

  16. Matthew you will always be my commander that respect will always stay the same thank you for your amazing hard work and leadership
  17. I still and always will respect you!
  18. Stop getting warns you fucker +support
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