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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. Major +support Delta squad should have never became an actual tac department 3 reasons Balance issues between crim Small ass map that all tac units are 30/60 seconds out Criminal's can not breathe witch makes robberys pointless I don't get why friendly Steve would even let this happen also because he nerfed all departments because they were unbalended my eyes Delta squad should become an assistant tac unit to benefit the server
  2. well this is how the old jail breaks work the party bought lockpicks and after released they could grab there guns they fixed that with the baton it does the same thing it makes them respawn unarrest baton could be very mingey also , i think the best way to do this allow people to get there guns back after they aren't cuffed
  3. -support if you dont have a tools why do a jailbreak black market dealers sell the needs for a successful jailbreal
  4. -support blacklists can not be appealed
  5. Sadly for this matter felix isnt on the server anymore and we dont know any actual details on what happen on his side of things also why didnt you think about appealing this eariler
  6. You will be shocked actually alot of cops call people assholes irl I have witness it my self and I live in canada just think how bad the us ones are
  7. Alright my last question before I change my mind did you actually feel offended or you just wanted him warn because y'all have beef
  8. Jeez y'all going soft this is a lame ass diss +support
  9. Honestly in a + /- support they did have a -support reason to search your house after you pulled that class 3 pistol out and waving it around +support instead of using that evidence they warranted you for a whole different charge
  10. I think after 40 warns is an automatic blacklist but you did have 40 times to stop mingeing sorry buddy +support
  11. Just telling you with the silencer it's a class 3 weapon
  12. Y'all acting like bambob killed some one jeez , like leave the guy alone hes the past he isnt hurting any of you guys he just referred a player to our community I get why everyone is on high guard but legit telling his friends not to be friends with him is mean asf
  13. Soo recently you guys have might have heard  me taking a break from gmod but I am sadly to say this but it's going to be permanent,  I requested steam to delete my account and it will be deleted in 24 for hours I did this because  my computer is messed up and I won't be getting a new one,  as I have the baddest  luck with computers

    Matthew sorry I cant tag you butt 

    I want to say thank you so for what you have done for me and this community      it means alot to   people you are such a sweet heart I am not even kidding    

    @Blitzton oh my gosh theres alot to say to you , you have grown up in many ways from we  first met    but sadly I cant keep up with the hacking harrassment  and other false accusations  what's leading me into    depression  when I first joined gaminglight there was alot more nice people ,  and my computer is completely   fired also 

    @ mikey cant find yea name but I wanna say thank you for being the coolest guy on the server I have never heard you yell at anyone in staff sits or other stuff you are such a good staff member you might not believe  it but trust me you're very dedicated   and I cant wait till that SA tag   


    @Calamity  idk if I can tag jmt ik we had our little fights and ups and down but I will always respect   what you have done for gaminglight  and keeping the alts away 

    @th3 I finally  get to tag you!  But you might be surprised  you're  on my list , I just wanna let you know thanks for what you have done   and I'm sorry about our past fighting 

    I will still be on fourms alot to see how everyone's doing though 


  14. @Kaylah L message me I'll tell you how to get ts installed
  15. You cant just judge on the steam profile man that's how you get false bans just like what happen here you gotta go off the voice or actual ip and evidence let's just say theres a new player who just got steam for gmod are you going to automatically assume it's an alt? That's poor staffing in my eyes
  16. I'm heading towards +support me and bambob still talk time to time and he has 0 interest in gaminglight @Kaylah L I'm pretty sure you arent on a ts ban so I'd request SMT in there channel
  17. -support that's just a free passage for 800k or what ever it is
  18. Taking a 3 month or more break but I'll be active on fourms 

  19. As you see staff is busy enough with civilians rdming all the time we arent restricting anything for crims we are looking out for our community and trying to lower the rdm /fail rp, even though its staff job, it's our job as well to make the server enjoyable maybe I'm not seeing the big picture but if you wanna waste more of staff's time than add this ig And no ones being nagtive about the community idk where you got all that from
  20. Good ass adventure today !!  

    0_0 (4).jpg

  21. Join today! The best red dead redemption 2 posse 


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