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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. Munchies and the big paragraphs -support
  2. Now this is what I call actual staff diss +support player needs to be perm banned
  3. This shit isn't staff diss massive -support learn what staff diss is and than make a real player report ffs I feel this report is just him trying to get back at havoc for stateing his opinion
  4. Well m8 idk what to say everytime I get into a Negev fight on swat it always knocks me back like 20 feet giving me an advantage remember you are use to breaching not as much of movements to counter negevs .. Maybe get calamity to do Negev trainings with Delta squad let him get on his custom class and show you some helpful tips if he knows these counter movements
  5. That fucken lcpl is deadly if it's the one I'm thinking of
  6. That's the point of being smt they deserve all the power from there loyalty
  7. +support endr said he was present at the time of this happening
  8. What you want to see? - SMT Having Final say if some one is blacklisted from a department Why should we add it? - i think this should be done because some department heads might feel the need of blacklisting Harmless Crim Familys from there department just because they have something personal Against The player or just dont like them in general and i feel like there Should be some kind of overseer for Departments and some actions what can ruin peoples experiences What are the advantages of having this? - less corruption on the server not really saying there is much, people who are in Harmless Family's Have An actual way to defend there self with out having to leave there family, Who is it mainly for? -Blacklisted Family's from Departments for not really a good reason , Blacklist Family members Who want to be in a department with there friends Links to any content - N/A
  9. i kinda like hoopsure's idea about nerfing Mobility and Doubleing the spread of it thats the only reasonable suggestion in my eyes
  10. it already has been Nerf though these suggestions were here for ages they all got denied gmod it self is a pay to win game sad to say it goto something closer to the five m side if you dont want people to have donate for op weapons or try to suggest an armor / weapon buff but apparently From SMT Stand point right now Gov is more op i would say armor changes and guns but than crims will complain way to much, you cant make every one happy..
  11. +support Fail rp Stealing government cars Changing names to envoid getting warned, definitely should be a ban in my eyes Copbait entering Pd for no apparent reason
  12. buy a gov custom class i have one and most people buy custom classes for the negev so police rp would be losing business to
  13. if it was the window +support
  14. thats when you gassed them negevs have been the same way in police rp for years
  15. -support negevs are super easy to counter please train harder at trainings
  16. idkkk this might be metagaming in a way because hes looking though a wall idk if this is allowed or not because in the motd it states something like this +- support
  17. seems like a history of bans and blacklists +support
  18. Delete this suggestion there's no actual false binds useage in the motd these people could be aos
  19. Major + support find a seatbelt script to this will make people actually not drive like assholes! Tazing we don't have Ragdolls due to the tazer being broken and crashing people
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